WTB: Spin Ready Articles

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As there are multiple people interested you may do well with answering the original question and posting your prices, not asking one person what their budget is.

lol.. unless a big project, where time wasters not appreciated, anytime someone says "what's your budget!" I translate that into "how much can I screw you for" My response is generally always " adequate for the project at hand".
what, like THIS, you mean?

The {lates|newes|most recen}t way for {women|ladies|girls} to lose their ho{uses|mes} as well as their hearts, is the Nigerian {web|net|Internet} dating {con|scam|trick}. This little {profit generato|money spinne|earne}r targets the {naive|innocent|gullible} {forsaken|lonesome|lonely} {woman|girl|lady} {on the lookout for|attempting to find|looking for} love and involves men who {apparent|presumab|supposed}ly live or work in Nigeria. These cybernet lovers are then hitting up these {girls|women|ladies} for {massive|vast|huge} amounts{ of money| of cash} in {stupid|ludicrous|ridiculous}ly {short|brief} periods of time. {Online|Web|Internet} dating {scam|trick|con}s have always been around. While there are {severe|hopeless|desperate}ly {lonely|forsaken|lonesome} {people|folks|folk} there are always going to be un{scrupulous|fair|derhand} operators targeting them.
As there are multiple people interested you may do well with answering the original question and posting your prices, not asking one person what their budget is.

Plz hit me if you are interested to take my service in $15
I can develop your 'Spin' or Data Pressing Articles, Let me know if you are interested. Contact me at my blog site or email address
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