Wrapping presents - yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

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I like big jugs
Nov 28, 2006
in a house ...
Come on who agrees its the biggest balls ache in the world (at this time of year)?

Some people can create a masterpiece with the wrapping, whilst others can make it look like a blind dog wrapped it up. We're wasting trees just for that element of supprise, when the carrier bag it came in creates the same supprise when taped up.

Maybe its just me but I have spent the last 4 hours wrapping prezzies - thats with many breaks to do something more interesting.

Amazon have their giftwrap service which is ok but costs you extra, some malls have desks where you can pay to have someone wrap it for you.

Any thoughts ....:anon.sml:

photoads said:
We're wasting trees just for that element of supprise, when the carrier bag it came in creates the same supprise when taped up.
We are already wasting a tree to sit in the corner with tinsel and shit on it.

I hate wrapping and personally I hate christmas, my birthday is on December 24th and some people try to get away with the one present or don't give a shit I was born, they just want there presents.

Meh, wrapping sucks, you got my vote!
Where is the Christmas spirit?

I have my girlfriend wrap my presents, she says I do a shit job... little does she know it's on purpose, haha. A good trick, you should try it ;)
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Hey Ben christmas spirits in the cupboard! Keep going the way you are, oh and make sure you burn a few shirts too so she does the ironing! (got your last email all's good).

Illusion I feel for you that must suck, whilst folks try to celebrate your birthday I guess they are all too absorbed in christmas. Never wasted a tree ours is plastic ... but good point.

Indy - origami may help you get better at wrapping stuff up ...

Nearly done .....
I've always wrapped all my presents with aluminum foil. Works like a charm. No tape no hassle. Takes me about 5 minutes to do all of them.
Plus they're all shiny when your done :)
I've always wrapped all my presents with aluminum foil. Works like a charm. No tape no hassle. Takes me about 5 minutes to do all of them.
Plus they're all shiny when your done :)
Deliguy thats brilliant, you are the man. This makes me think I should re-wrap a few in tin foil just to see the reaction!
wrapping paper is a lot cheaper then tinfoil lol

Interesting story that's completely off topic but I felt obliged to share on seeing that. Worked in a superstore once, used to get lots of the customer complaints and returns to deal with.

One woman brought back some normal Tin Foil and demanded a refund - she had got her husband to test the foil with a micrometer - and guess what, it was exactly the same thickness in micron as the value tin foil... Needless to say, she got a refund and then bought more value tin foil.

It made me smile, if no one else.
I also hate Christmas. Waste of time and perfectly good stress that could be used for future Adsense account ban or something like that. I hate the fact that there's always one time in a year when it's mandatory to buy gifts. It's just so fucking lame. I prefer to give gifts when I feel like to. Now it's just gathering information about what other person needs and buying the stuff for him or her. Bullshit, crap and fucking pointless.

Also, you can't do business in Christmas. Everything stops for a few days. Luckily there's some nerds that continue surfing during Christmas and keep clicking my Adsense. Oh I wish it would be 1.1.2007 already.
photoads said:
Illusion I feel for you that must suck, whilst folks try to celebrate your birthday I guess they are all too absorbed in christmas. Never wasted a tree ours is plastic ... but good point.
That is why I generally don't make a big fuss about myself, once my family missed my birthday because they were too freaked out that christmas was the next day. I was pretty pissed that at like 8:00 I realised that no strippers or surprise party was gonna come, so I just said fuck this and ended up spending the next week cooped up in my room chilling to some quality Rocko's Modern Life and some coffee whilst they had there fucking lame ass christmas
you guys sound like a bunch of kids, I used to be like that too but when you get a little older you realise christmas is about more then giving/getting gifts, santa, jesus, and all that shit.
screw that shit! I just take the gift out of a bag and say "here ya go! Merry Christmas!" I hate wrapping gifts, afterall, it's the thought that counts lol!
Where is the Christmas spirit?

I have my girlfriend wrap my presents, she says I do a shit job... little does she know it's on purpose, haha. A good trick, you should try it ;)

Come on man, this is a public forum. You can't be giving away the farm and screwing everything up for us. Jeez.
you guys sound like a bunch of kids, I used to be like that too but when you get a little older you realise christmas is about more then giving/getting gifts, santa, jesus, and all that shit.
Actually, Christmas is celebrating the birth of Christ if I recall correctly. The rest is just some bullshit people added on top of it. Technically, I'm not even supposed to celebrate Christmas since I'm not part of any church or religion.
Actually, Christmas is celebrating the birth of Christ if I recall correctly. The rest is just some bullshit people added on top of it. Technically, I'm not even supposed to celebrate Christmas since I'm not part of any church or religion.

Interestingly, Jesus wasn't born on Christmas. Christmas was originally a Pagan holiday that commemorated the birth of the Sun god.
Interestingly, Jesus wasn't born on Christmas. Christmas was originally a Pagan holiday that commemorated the birth of the Sun god.
So as a matter of fact, I should be celebrating Christmas since I'm a pagan (technically) and all Christian people should leave it alone ;)
I wasn't trying to say christmas is about jesus, because for most people its not, it is about having good times with the people you care about.

I just like this holiday season in general because it brings people together despite their differences.
Come on man, this is a public forum. You can't be giving away the farm and screwing everything up for us. Jeez.

Haha, you know very well that this forum is waaay too gay for women to visit. The only girls coming here are affiliate managers dropping bait and GILFs.

Seems to be a bunch of Scrooges in this forum eh? I like Christmas, fun to see the family and surprise people with cool gifts.
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