Wp Affiliate Guide (Would anyone recomend it)


New member
May 14, 2008
Disclaimer for the Flamers Yes I am a fuck ass stoopid Newb. Get over it, eat a dick, and go drink some bleach or something.

Now on to my question.

I tried PPC with POF and Facebook but have had little success and I can no longer spend rent money on it. Following the advice of a couple of members on here, I want to start building websites to promote various products including CPA offers.

I'm interested in learning how to build minisites using Wordpress and I have searched Google but can't really seem to find that right blog or whatever that will help me get my first site up and running.

I did however come across a landing page promoting Wpaffiliateguide which looks pretty interesting and I wouldn't mind shelling out the $24 if it can help get me on the right track.

So what do you all think? Anyone ever use this or know anyone that has.

Or can someone point me in the right direction that will help me accomplish what I'm trying to achieve.

I've done a search for minisite, wordpress ministe etc on here but haven't found the right info.

Thanks yall

Meh, kind of sounds like me when I started out.

Having a site that can convert anybody into crisp dollar bills is great - but without eyeballs on that site you aren't going to make any of those crisp dollar bills.

How do you want to generate traffic?

SEO? I'm assuming seeing as how you've had some problems with PPC. Go get Thesis, a wordress theme, it'll save you a hell of a lot of time and is optimized very well.

Remember that you can't make any real, consistent income on a dime, unless your Bofu - the man can work them spiderz, so your going to have to sacrifice money in testing just the same as you would with PPC.

Your first sites will most likely fail. You will do shit wrong. You will waste money and it will take time.

If you like PPC stick it out, maybe reach out in a non-douche way to those who seem knowledgeable with short, to the point questions. Put the pieces of the puzzle together one at a time and have patience. View every set back as a step closer to your final goal.

Edit: Assuming you want to try SEO I'd reconsider. You seem a little clueless - no offence intended. If your breaking even, or just losing a little with PPC then keep at it and read, test, track, and ask for help when you can. Flaming, and being a flamer, are just parts of WF. You may get flamed for some stupid questions - but if you really show that you're trying to succeed and your hungry to learn and put into practice what you learn then you will get the help you need.
Trakstar, I'm going to save you the trouble and spare you from the flaming and let you know what this forum is about.

This forum isn't a school. Well, some parts of it are, but it's more of an inner-city ghetto school. Sure, you can learn a thing here or there, and there are parts of it that are designed to help newbs like yourself, but let's face it: you're going to get bullied here to the point of suicide. People come here to hang out and talk about their recent drug deals and whatnot, not to help you out.

I guess you can think of it as a bar. A gay bar. A gay webmaster bar.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
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Thanks for the replies. Look I wasn't trying to come off as a douche bag or anything. Just had an honest question and wanted an honest answer. I know this isn't a school or whatever. I was always told in life that if you want successful for yourself then hang around successful people and that's why I came here despite the flamers or whatever. I know that are some serious ballers with a wealth of information. Why not ask them? Especially since I want to take action?

And to FTC-Hater, thanks for your reply. Actually I would love to make it big with PPC but to just be real, I work a commissioned based magazines sale job and the money hasn't been to well lately and probably won't be for the next month or so. I just figured that since I won't have any money to spare to PPC, I could use this downtime and learn SEO because I hear so much that SEO brings in that long term money.
I was doing direct linking based ads on FB, Myspace, and POV and got no where. I don't know if that was due to scrubbing or people just clicking on the ads but not submitting their info or whatever. But I did break even with one particular Clickbank ebook through POF.

So if one wants to get some relevant info on building his own Wp minisite or landing page even where should he go?
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I fixed your rep, since you're actually not an idiot. If you're interested in SEO, Eli's bluehatseo.com is one of the best sources of great techniques.
Google "fantastico on cpanel"
Buy ten .com urls from godaddy or 1&1
Get cheap webhosting from zensix
Build ten separate websites.
Populate with content
Populate with aff links.
One of them will make you money.

Rise, repeat.

that's the formula to get started in this biz when you don't know what you are doing.

And oh yeah, don't buy any ebooks. They retard your progress. Seriously.
Google "fantastico on cpanel"
Buy ten .com urls from godaddy or 1&1
Get cheap webhosting from zensix
Build ten separate websites.
Populate with content
Populate with aff links.
One of them will make you money.

Rise, repeat.

that's the formula to get started in this biz when you don't know what you are doing.

And oh yeah, don't buy any ebooks. They retard your progress. Seriously.

get your domains from namecheap.com
Google "fantastico on cpanel"
Buy ten .com urls from godaddy or 1&1
Get cheap webhosting from zensix
Build ten separate websites.
Populate with content
Populate with aff links.
One of them will make you money.

Rise, repeat.

that's the formula to get started in this biz when you don't know what you are doing.

And oh yeah, don't buy any ebooks. They retard your progress. Seriously.

The missing part of that is get links to the sites... index page and deep pages. Otherwise you won't rank for shit.
Buy the ebook if you think it will help you learn the basics quicker. The BIGGEST mistake you can make is not doing anything and waiting until you feel you know "enough".

Dive in head first - make your fuck ups (as cheaply as possible) and move forward. Early failure is the best teacher! Most people who hit a lucky home run early on, often can't replicate it because they are never sure what they did right in the first place!
bluehat SEO & the community surrounding it >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> probably all seo shit on the internet combined.

It allowed me to quit my job.

The best asset however, without a doubt, is a mentor. Look long and far for one. If you have time on your hands trade your services because they will save you from the pits of hell when you need it most.
bluehat SEO & the community surrounding it >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> probably all seo shit on the internet combined.

It allowed me to quit my job.

The best asset however, without a doubt, is a mentor. Look long and far for one. If you have time on your hands trade your services because they will save you from the pits of hell when you need it most.

Easier said than done!

To answer OP:
You just basically build a few Wordpress websites with a similar niche to your main website and directly link all your mini-websites to your main website. I just saved you 49.99CAD a month :)
I appreciate the input people, I was thinking that this post was dead for a minute.
Maybe I should just come out ask for what I'm really looking for.

I'm not one to just shell out money for bullshit ebooks or trainging courses but this one in particular caught my attention because it claims that it will show one how to build mini sites using Wordpress.

Basically, I want a good tutorial on turning a WP theme into an 1.)affiliate mini site and 2.)affiliate landing page/sales letter type of joint or whatever.

I want to use WP because of the simplicity. I see lots of themes out that I can obtain for free but basically I want to know how to take a theme and modify it to my liking.

I do know how to search Google and Wp forums, but since this is an open IM forum with lots of successful vets on here, I figured that I'd just save some time and ask. That way I can just get working. I can write up some content but what good is content if I can't get look of the site up and running.

So can anyone point me somewhere. Or is there anyone here that mentors. I'll pay if the price is right. I just want to quit this damn Magazine telemarketing job by the summer so that I can get my music career up and running.

Basically, I want a good tutorial on turning a WP theme into an 1.)affiliate mini site and 2.)affiliate landing page/sales letter type of joint or whatever.


Ask the active forum there about customizing it, once you buy it, if you need any help.
Buy the developer license of Thesis. Saves you a lot. Write unique content for your websites. Eventually write a few guest posts for other blogs to gain incoming links. Comment on other blogs to get a back link here and there. Then review your stats for what keywords people used to find your site. Takes those keywords and write more articles around it. Build a quality site - don't spin content and no duplicate content from Ezine articles or so.

Rinse and repeat. It takes a while until traffic comes in.
Post an ad on Facebook looking for a mentor like this person did:


Just joking. Some of the guys above have given good advice, I'll just add that you have to be persistent and work hard. SEO takes a lot of patience.