Would you rather??

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Once you grow up and start making some "real" money you won't think like this. High oil prices only HURT our ecomomy and our way of life. I used to think like you...unitl I started making "real" money and having to pay taxes and take care of children.

Jesus Christ... I'd say I'm grown up buddy. I pay taxes and own my own business.

I doubt your much older than me...

Oh, and you're saying I won't enjoy riding my bike everywhere when I get "older"? Go speak that crap over here: Bike Forums and see what kind of replies you get.

Your just a confused, biased, closed-minded OLD man I guess.

Having "real" money (I would say the money in my pocket is pretty real) has nothing to do with choosing a healthy mode of transportation over a car.

Grow up and have a family? Do you think we chose (choose) to drive 70 miles..fool??. We have to because we live in a town where the nearest "city" is 70 miles away.

You do understand that the US consist(s) of more people than those that are [not needed] living on the West or East coast??? Those of us that live in the middle are suffering. We can't ride our bikes to work...LOL. Fuckin get a clue [you] Rossie (Rosie) O'donnell fan.

BTW: how the fuck am I gona (gonna or going) (to?) take my two kids to daycare (15 miles away) on a fuckin bike????

By the way, since you're such a prick and always bring your "better than you" attitude to every thread, I've decided to point out the fact that you obviously have a horrible education, proven by the fact that every post you make looks like it came from a 5th grader.

I've highlighted your spelling mistakes in bold. Please see me after class.

p.s. - Just as you said in a previous thread that my friend "chose to join the military", you chose to live where you are living. If you don't like it and you can't take the high fuel prices, move.
Listen Rosie. First of all..I prolly make more in a month than you make a year. Second I am not worried about my well being; I am worried about our ecomomy as a whole. I have enough money that my family will always be comfortable.

Their is more to this "democratic experiment" than the East and West coast. Fuck this I can't go on. Fuckin Liberals are so damn clueless.

First of all, I'm not a liberal I'm a pragmatist. My prior post attempted to serve the idea that certain models of life in this country that were once practical for many are no longer so. Not for the environment, but for people living under condition's that are untenable given the rapidly changing world.

The bottom line is that unless our oil industry is nationalized or some other such drastic option is taken. Drilling in ANWR will have only a temporary effect on the free market factors, manipulation, and rampant speculation that are causing runaway prices in all sectors. By all means drill there. But this is pushing back the problem for our children's generations to deal with. At least we hope it pushes it back that far.

We aren't in this predicament because a lack of solutions. Were here because of a lack of political will.

I appreciate your attempt to think in ways beneficial to our entire economy. Having some understanding of the complexity of economics and unintended consequences. I prefer to focus on solutions that might be practical for one person in this situation. My experience it that the more governments try to repair these situations, the more they muck it up.

I'll wager that you didn't get rich waiting for someone else to solve your problems. Glad to hear you're doing so well. Why not pay me to write an article from your perspective? I appreciate irony.

Oh as an added note, unless you're in the top.001% of all income your family will be likely be broke in three generations. The best inheritance is industriousness, so I hope you're passing some of that on too.
I've decided to point out the fact that you obviously have a horrible education, proven by the fact that every post you make looks like it came from a 5th grader.

Can't be helped. It's a consequence of the current state of the public education system that only we 'bleeding hearts' seem to care about improving.

Or maybe it's the consequence of a low IQ? Someone care to bring back the relgious IQ chart again...? :D
There are already alternatives. Water/hydrogen powered cars have been a viable option for about 30 years, and no I'm not making it up. People have developed free-energy machines multiple times (don't believe me? Go look it up).

Big money and government keeps shutting it all down because free-energy & water/electric powered vehicles do not mix with capitalism.. =[

Disclaimer: I'm not a socialist, but this is just the truth.
It's the fuckers that drive 70 miles a day to work that cause the need for so much gas in this country. I bet you have an SUV/truck too.

Let's move to the suburbs where houses are a little cheaper and drive our Ford fuck-you-mobiles all day to get to work.
... I'd also like to see Americans pay for gas what the rest of the world has to pay. ...

I'm with ya there buddy!

I want to pay what they pay in Venezuela, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Swaziland, Qatar, Bahrain, Egypt, Kuwait, or Seychelles

If we can get our electricity generation switched over to solar and nuclear to the point where we don't need coal to power electricity, we can refine coal into gas. I just saw somewhere that we have enough coal to give us 250 years of fuel at todays consumption rate.
After reading some posts I've come to realize that higher gas prices may not be too bad after all. Maybe people will actually use *gasp* public transportation! And maybe I will see less suburbans and massive trucks on the road which I hate since 90% of the people who drive those really don't need to be...

And yes, the technology to power cars on alternative fuel is here. The ones at fault are the politicians who are not pushing for it. The only one that is is Gov Schwarzenegger. hydrogenhighway.ca.gov
I could care less what the price of gas is... I say push it up to $10/gallon and force people to find a better way to travel.

But I guess that's easy to say when I put more miles on a bicycle than I do on a car. I spend less than $5/month on gas and my electric bill is about $30/month.

This is how I travel across the country:


You do understand that if the price of gas went up to $10/gallon the price of everything would skyrocket don't you? New bike tires, water bottles, clothes, sandals, hippy convention cover charge, EVERYTHING is linked to the price of oil.
I doubt this would be resolved because it would be bad for business.

Take a look at the Fortune 50
A lot of them are auto manufacturers or airlines, and just about all of them rely on ground or air transport for their product. Think they want new technology so they can abandon their fleet and foot the bill for something else? And theirs the support industry (mechanics etc), parts (manufacturers), and aftermarket parts. A lot at stake.

And there probably are some alternative energy ideas out there, but the automakers would rather strap a hybrid unit onto a combustion engine, coz it buys them time and they can let it roll business as usual.

But we're not talking about everyone switching from tape to cd, or analog to digital tv, this would be a hell of a conversion.

Until a private corp comes along, like Saturn did with the EV1, then things aren't going to change anytime soon.
(See "Who killed the electric car" movie if you get a chance)

Prices will keep going up until someone comes up with something usable that doesn't look like a solar powered college project.
You do understand that if the price of gas went up to $10/gallon the price of everything would skyrocket don't you? New bike tires, water bottles, clothes, sandals, hippy convention cover charge, EVERYTHING is linked to the price of oil.

It's funny, I was thinking the same thing but was sure someone else had probably already stated it above somewhere. I'm surprised it took so long for someone to figure that one out.
You do understand that if the price of gas went up to $10/gallon the price of everything would skyrocket don't you? New bike tires, water bottles, clothes, sandals, hippy convention cover charge, EVERYTHING is linked to the price of oil.

Of course I do. My point was that I would hope $10/gallon gas would force people to seek out alternative ways to travel. Be that bicycle, electric car, teleportation machine, whatever...

The price of fuel is not going to go down, it will just slowly rise. It will have to eventually get to a price that is so high people are forced to do something else. Pushing the price to $10/gallon might just jumpstart that forced conversion, because the slow rise of the past few years sure as hell hasn't done anything. People just bitch and moan, yet they drive just as much (if not more) as they always have.

Anyway, I never said the price of everything wouldn't go up, I know it would. In fact, that was my point.

p.s. - Are you suggesting that because I ride a bike that I'm a hippy? Last time I checked, hippies don't ride $2,500 bicycles across the United States for fun.
Subigo's actually hit on something with his bike, but I don't think anyone's really thought it out.

Bikes would actually America a LOT of money in a number of different areas:
Less wear and tear on the roads means less infrastructure maintenance. Nearly 5% of the USA's GDP goes into roads.
People would be a hell of a lot fitter in general. This leads to a lot less being spent on medical welfare and subsidies at all levels. It also means fewer people tying up real hospital time for their cosmetic surgeries as they'd have better bodies and better self image. There'd also be fewer car accidents.

As for all the transportation companies and subsidiary jobs... it's a moot point.
The subsidiaries like mechanics and manufacturers just need to be retrained and retooled. It's not like it's a big change to anything other than the parts involved. instead of a combustion engine, you now have an electro magnetic coil...
The transport companies would actually save themselves money in the long term by upgrading to more efficient hybrids, or even outright electric (dependent on distance needs), vehicles. Electric & hybrid vehicles require less maintenance and use energy substantially more efficiently.
Sure, we'd need to build new powerplants to support the electric vehicles, but I guarantee less oil would be used to power an equivalent number of vehicles if it was burnt in a powerplant and distributed by wire, instead of distributed by tanker truck.

Someone said this whole problem is about political will...
That is certainly the entirety of the problem. People aren't willing to make the small logical leaps that actually shows this isn't one massive task, but a lot of relatively small and fairly pain free ones if managed correctly.
It's the fuckers that drive 70 miles a day to work that cause the need for so much gas in this country. I bet you have an SUV/truck too.

I don't drive an SUV and I only drive 3 miles to work, but..

When I get up in the morning, turn on CNN and see there are currently 4,000 plains in the air (just in the US and just at that time of day) I can't help to think there are things that contribute more to the need for gas in the US than people driving 70 miles to work. That and the amount of fuel the military uses every day, not to mention busses and rail lines half empty or more.

Some people are working on alternative or better solutions to todays cars.

Volswagers 200mpg car

Air powered car on youtube
Some people are working on alternative or better solutions to todays cars.

Air powered car on youtube

That's very interesting.. (make sure you watch part 2 in the related videos)

It immediately makes me think about the possibility of combining those engines, with solar power. It talks about having to plug those in for the compressor to build up the compressed air, well what if that compressor was powered by solar power? Now the whole operation is taking up barely any resources to "power". Kind of mind-blowing, even if it is only a dream..
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