Would you rather??

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New member
Jun 12, 2007
pay $7 for a gallon of gas or drill ANWR? and lower the price by half within a few years.

Being from Alaska originally, I can personally assure you that drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge will NOT solve our current issues with the price of a barrel of oil.

The present prices of oil have to do more with speculation, the falling US dollar, refining capacity, and limitations being placed on production than the amount of total available oil. Drilling in ANWR wouldn't really affect this.

Btw, I happen to be FOR drilling in ANWR.

Also, BTW, us Americans have been spoiled on cheap gas for years, time to deal with reality.
I'd rather build more nuclear power plants and switch to electric-based transportation with a greater focus on public transportation.

But that's just me.
Being from Alaska originally, I can personally assure you that drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge will NOT solve our current issues with the price of a barrel of oil.

The present prices of oil have to do more with speculation, the falling US dollar, refining capacity, and limitations being placed on production than the amount of total available oil. Drilling in ANWR wouldn't really affect this.

Btw, I happen to be FOR drilling in ANWR.

Also, BTW, us Americans have been spoiled on cheap gas for years, time to deal with reality.

Yes it would take years for the drilling to take effect. From what I have read though it would supply us with 60 years of oil.

Your stance on Oh Well..now we gota pay what everyone else pays is screwed. Middle America can't afford $7 or even $5 a gallon gas. Our cities are not set up like the compact European cities. Most of the people I know commute 70 miles a day from work and back. We gota find a solution to the problem or we are fucked.
ANWR wont solve our problems I'd also like to see Americans pay for gas what the rest of the world has to pay.

I live in Boston, there are oil deposits under the city that aren't tapped because the political will to do so hasn't arrived.

What really surprises me is that American oil fields that had been closed for years because 60 dollars per barrel wasn't a profitable price for extraction are now open for business.

Oil companies have the resources to expand their refining capabilities and mitigate this crisis, so far they refuse.
Auto companies have the ability to do more than give lip-service to energy efficient technology, so far they wont.

Political leaders have the ability to set energy standards that make a difference next year, they set arbitrary standards that don't take effect for decades and then vote those standards back every year.

The global warming cabal makes outrageous and shocking claims, providing no real answers.

You have to wonder who stands to profit from the rampant speculation and price fixing in the oil market.
I'll take the $7 per gallon. High fuel prices will drive Americans to look for and develop more efficient ways to get around. Or get them walking and riding bikes. I say bring on the hurt.
Yes it would take years for the drilling to take effect. From what I have read though it would supply us with 60 years of oil.

Your stance on Oh Well..now we gota pay what everyone else pays is screwed. Middle America can't afford $7 or even $5 a gallon gas. Our cities are not set up like the compact European cities. Most of the people I know commute 70 miles a day from work and back. We gota find a solution to the problem or we are fucked.

How about not living 70 miles from where you work?
Drill that bitch... but keep working on alternate sources remembering we are not retards here
I could care less what the price of gas is... I say push it up to $10/gallon and force people to find a better way to travel.

But I guess that's easy to say when I put more miles on a bicycle than I do on a car. I spend less than $5/month on gas and my electric bill is about $30/month.

This is how I travel across the country:

How about not living 70 miles from where you work?

Grow up and have a family? Do you think we chose to drive 70 miles..fool??. We have to because we live in a town where the nearest "city" is 70 miles away.

You do understand that the US consist of more people than those that are living on the West or East coast??? Those of us that live in the middle are suffering. We can't ride our bikes to work...LOL. Fuckin get a clue Rossie O'donnell fan.

BTW: how the fuck am I gona take my two kids to daycare (15 miles away) on a fuckin bike????
I could care less what the price of gas is... I say push it up to $10/gallon and force people to find a better way to travel.

But I guess that's easy to say when I put more miles on a bicycle than I do on a car. I spend less than $5/month on gas and my electric bill is about $30/month.

This is how I travel across the country:


Once you grow up and start making some "real" money you won't think like this. High oil prices only HURT our ecomomy and our way of life. I used to think like you...unitl I started making "real" money and having to pay taxes and take care of children.
Grow up and have a family? Do you think we chose to drive 70 miles..fool??. We have to because we live in a town where the nearest "city" is 70 miles away.

You do realize that this argument, as written, makes absolutely no sense. At least not as a counter to my original statement. You choose to live 70 miles away from one city out of thousands of possible cities you could live or work in. Therefore, driving 70 miles to work is a consequence of a conscious choice you made.

I own a car and have a family. Economic realities force people to change their living conditions. Living 70 miles from work (or perhaps even 15 miles from your kids daycare is no longer practical)
Take public transportation, carpool, or move closer to the places you must go to.

Its really academic to me, but you're lost if you think a grand solution is going to materialize for this problem. People who adapt will naturally do better.

In my state there is a town called Brookline. Housing values have skyrocketed leaving people who inherited houses struggling to pay property taxes. Their income and resources haven't kept pace with economic reality. Its unfortunate, but many of them will have to leave the homes they currently own and move to places that are more in line with what they can afford to pay.

Do people have a right to live 70 miles from work, or in the midwest for that matter? Do people have a right to live in a house that their grandparents bought for $15.000 that is now worth over $1.000.000? No, people have a right to live where they can afford.

If you cant afford gas, or property taxes where you live, you need to leverage your advantages before you lose everything.
Conservatives, like to talk about letting the free market reign, but when it comes down to brass tacks, everyone wants a bailout.

I'm not saying it shouldn't happen, I just don't believe that in a very hurtful short term it will. Best advice? Move.
Option C - Move the country toward alternative energy sources.

Amen. With our ablility to innovate, We should have had this issue solved by now. I'm convinced the only reason we don't have an alternative energy solution is because of the goddamn lobbiests (automotive, gas/oil) So to answer popeyes question. I would rather pay 7 dollars, 10 dollars, make 15. Because the only thing that is going to rival Texaco is a national political environment that stands united in their rage against these ridiculous circumstances. And the only way that we seem to get off our empathetic asses is when someone is threating our pocket books. It's already heading that way and I don't want to take the pressure off of them buy opening up a finite resource like Alaska.
You do realize that this argument, as written, makes absolutely no sense. At least not as a counter to my original statement. You choose to live 70 miles away from one city out of thousands of possible cities you could live or work in. Therefore, driving 70 miles to work is a consequence of a conscious choice you made.

I own a car and have a family. Economic realities force people to change their living conditions. Living 70 miles from work (or perhaps even 15 miles from your kids daycare is no longer practical)
Take public transportation, carpool, or move closer to the places you must go to.

Its really academic to me, but you're lost if you think a grand solution is going to materialize for this problem. People who adapt will naturally do better.

In my state there is a town called Brookline. Housing values have skyrocketed leaving people who inherited houses struggling to pay property taxes. Their income and resources haven't kept pace with economic reality. Its unfortunate, but many of them will have to leave the homes they currently own and move to places that are more in line with what they can afford to pay.

Do people have a right to live 70 miles from work, or in the midwest for that matter? Do people have a right to live in a house that their grandparents bought for $15.000 that is now worth over $1.000.000? No, people have a right to live where they can afford.

If you cant afford gas, or property taxes where you live, you need to leverage your advantages before you lose everything.
Conservatives, like to talk about letting the free market reign, but when it comes down to brass tacks, everyone wants a bailout.

I'm not saying it shouldn't happen, I just don't believe that in a very hurtful short term it will. Best advice? Move.

Listen Rosie. First of all..I prolly make more in a month than you make a year. Second I am not worried about my well being; I am worried about our ecomomy as a whole. I have enough money that my family will always be comfortable.

Their is more to this "democratic experiment" than the East and West coast. Fuck this I can't go on. Fuckin Liberals are so damn clueless.
Amen. With our ablility to innovate, We should have had this issue solved by now. I'm convinced the only reason we don't have an alternative energy solution is because of the goddamn lobbiests (automotive, gas/oil) So to answer popeyes question. I would rather pay 7 dollars, 10 dollars, make 15. Because the only thing that is going to rival Texaco is a national political environment that stands united in their rage against these ridiculous circumstances. And the only way that we seem to get off our empathetic asses is when someone is threating our pocket books. It's already heading that way and I don't want to take the pressure off of them buy opening up a finite resource like Alaska.

Damn I agree. Why the fuck haven't we come up with a solution? If we can land a probe on the moon why can't we fix this problem? It's a national security problem and no party seems to be interested in fixing it.
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