Worst Ad Creative Evar

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Pasta Eatin Mofo
Dec 1, 2007
Saw this on Facebook earlier. People actually pay high CPMs then use ugly creatives like this? WTF


I'm still trying to figure out if thats a hairy legged french chick or a dude.

Saw this on Facebook earlier. People actually pay high CPMs then use ugly creatives like this? WTF


I'm still trying to figure out if thats a hairy legged french chick or a dude.

Haha, well I don't know if you've ever been inside an American Apparel store, but that's how all their models on the walls look. I guess their gimmick is having really average to ugly looking people sporting their stuff...maybe it works for them.
The fact that you noticed the banner and are now talking about it make it a very effective ad .

That point aside, this looks rather normal for an American Apparel ad. Most of their models look rather average (or worse) .
Don't all the models have to be employees? I think I saw that on sixty minutes. Like they don't hire models, they're just people that work there that they ask. And yes it is very effective if they got you to talk about it or even look at it. Just like how half their ads are like partially see through (but ugly) dresses...
I'm a facebook advertiser, so I generally look in that slot to see what type of ad is running there. I'm not sure if I would have noticed it otherwise.

Prob pretty sad but I didn't even know they had a storefront.

They could have at least photoshopped the zit nastiness he(?) has going on in the chest area... jeebus.
Wait.. I've seen that person before- it's one of the Hanson girls!
I think he is a guy. LOL, well never know If that sells on FB.
I think it stands out pretty well. Media these days is so full of high-cheekboned, sculpted models who have been photoshopped to death, that you stop noticing them after a while.

The slightly weird looking dude has the "WTF?" factor.

Of course, a cute, natural-looking girl with enormous breasts would have been even more noticeable, but FB would probably have disapproved that :(
The girls they put on those facebook ads aren't great either, but if they somehow sell those incredibly shitty looking clothes, it must be an amazing idea.
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