World's Finest Links - Rank Level Over 9000! Now with Daily #WFLbƱmpdigest

seo slayer

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Aug 5, 2011
Rating - 83.3%
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--->Contact Info<---
Skype: notegazer

Again, we only accept:

  • High quality sites. No one page junk.
  • No brand new domains.
  • No porn/gambling type of sites.









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These are very old reviews, do have any recent ones or offer them?
I can understand your concern, tbh, I rarely ask customers to leave reviews on the thread. Most of the buyers are repeat customers ordering in bulk every month. On the other hand, I wouldn't have been providing this service for a good 4+ years if sales are non-existent, they are very much existent :)

Nevertheless, I sent you a pm with some more reviews.

#WFLbƱmpdigest (aka #WFLrantcast/aka #bumpinstyle)

You are spending too much time on designing and optimizing
your site for highest conversion but
not giving much importance/time towards building backlinks?
You are behind your competitors by a mile.


[RANT]{Random|Aimless} BUTT {Useful|Handy}
Niche Selection:

  • This is what you will have to do when looking at a niche - Find the 20% where 80% of the results are coming from.
  • Look for customers who are looking for you
  • With just doing searches on twitter on google, online with word ‘problem’ next to whatever your niche is, does it look like a lot of people are hunting for this?

3 things you can start doing for enhanced energy and focus:

  • If you are a man, get your bloodwork done. If your Testosterone level is below 400ng/dl, start taking TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy)
  • Work standing up!
  • Take a 20-minute power-nap in the middle of the day (Spoiler: Takes practice)

Sales letter formula:

  • Shock N’ Awe Them with powerful, emotionally-driven headline
  • Add credibility (Spoiler: Customer Testimonial)
  • Repeat the headline benefit, justify the price and ask for the sale
{Random|Aimless} BUTT {Useful|Handy}[/RANT]

#WFLbƱmpdigest 1.1

#WFLbƱmpdigest (aka #WFLrantcast/aka #bumpinstyle)

If this woman can be on Forbes why not you?


[RANT]{Random|Aimless} BUTT {Useful|Handy}
There are only 3 ways to grow a business:

  • Increase the amount of clients
  • Increase the average transaction value (i.e. the size of the sale)
  • increase the frequency of purchase or repurchase

3 ways to get things done:

  • Create a list of tasks
  • Assign each task a time
  • Get 'em done!


  • The heart and soul of the pitch is in the bullets
  • Write the bullets first
  • Write out the features and then the benefits
  • Do not misdiagnose the reason why people will buy from bullets.
{Random|Aimless} BUTT {Useful|Handy}[/RANT]

Link Love (what's cookin'):

#WFLbƱmpdigest 1.2 (4n@rchy.docx)

#WFLbƱmpdigest (aka #WFLrantcast/aka #bumpinstyle)

Your site's backlink profile should be like a shield,
that can overcome any possible updates. What do you think will benefit your site the most, links
from extra-ordinary sites that stand tall through any panda/rankbrain updates, or
links from a sh1tty looking PBN where anyone can buy links from?


It's not that hard to spot sites that can survive any and every

possible algo change, do your competitors have 1000s of links
built by automation tools? And you have only 10 or so highest
quality links? The result is clear as a day.

There is only one way to stay ahead of your competitors in the long run, build a legit(-looking)
link profile over time, and big a$$ link profiles built via GSA/SAPE will
have nothin' on you.....

[RANT]{Random|Aimless} BUTT {Useful|Handy}
Cold Hard Truths:

  • It's all about the customers. The thing we need to work on MOST is to have a DEEP understanding of our customers that we choose to sell to!!
  • People want the usual: Secrets, New, First.
  • Money at a discount is the most obvious reason people come to your business, but NOT ALWAYS THE reason people come
3 things you can do for a productive day:

  • Practice not distracting yourself to entertainment and focus on the things that get results
  • Choose the 20% that robs 80% of your energy Do something to stop it (Spoiler: Previous Post)
  • Build up rituals and track 'em with Evernote/Trello or whatever you use.

The Guru Shenanigans:

  • Interacting with your customers in person is the most powerful content creation strategy
  • Sometimes, quantity itself is persuasive. e.g. numbers instead of bullet points.
  • Again, headlines with benefits, e.g. ----

  1. Fears, Frustration or desire.
  2. How-To
  3. Positive or negative current events (How to survive a zombie apocalypse)
  4. .........
{Random|Aimless} BUTT {Useful|Handy}[/RANT]

Link Love (what's cookin'):

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#WFLbƱmpdigest 1.3 (d0m1nance.pdf)


You offer an amazing service, I will thinking to get it.

Thanks for the compliment, sent you pm with info.

#WFLbƱmpdigest (aka #WFLrantcast/aka #bumpinstyle)


No brand mention is better than awkward brand mentions.

Get it right with World's Finest Links


[RANT]{Random|Aimless} BUTT {Useful|Handy}

  • Opportunistic Thinking=Lack of Strategy
  • It’s about 100 times easier to sell to an opportunity seeker than it is an entrepreneur.
  • Focus on the process and the results will follow.

What Your Time is Worth:

  • How much do you want to earn this year?: $250k
  • How many "Work" days?: 6
  • How many hours a day?: 10
  • How many "Productive" hours a day?: 2
  • How many "Productive" hours a week?: 12
  • How many weeks per year do you work?: 50
  • Total hours available for producing desired income: 600
  • The amount you must make in an hour: $416.66
  • Divided by 60 (Minute-Rate-Calculation): $6.95

Sales Letter Formula (2.0.1):

  • Make a mark on people's minds
  • Don’t attempt to write perfectly. Just get it done!
  • You need to look for elements that credentialize or dramatize your copy
{Random|Aimless} BUTT {Useful|Handy}[/RANT]

Link Love (what's cookin'):

#WFLbƱmpdigest 1.4 (cl1ffhang3r.doc)

#WFLbƱmpdigest (aka #WFLrantcast/aka #bumpinstyle)


Are you doing what it takes to hit your marketing goals this year? Or are you still hesitating, thinking whether or not this "Brand Mention" thing is worth it?

There are 3 things (or any 1) that happens inevitably when you join "World's Finest Links" -

  • Your site's rankings start acting crazy by going up consistently.
  • Your site gains an "Authoritative" status in your niche
  • Your site that hit a plateau long ago starts ranking again
You either hesitate or push yourself to accomplish your goals. The money is waiting for you, you just have to pick 'em up.


[RANT]{Random|Aimless} BUTT {Useful|Handy}


  • Conversion is getting someone who is interested who has indicated they are a good prospect to take action and buy
  • People love to buy, but they hate to be sold
  • Alienate Everyone But Your Prospect

The Inbox Manipulation:

  • If you can reply in 2 minutes, DO IT!
  • Lose the "Small Talk" and get to the point.
  • If you didn't respond to an email for a month, archive it or remove it from your To-Do list

Sales Letter Formula (2.0.9):

  • Have a blame factor in your copy and it must be somewhere else and not on the prospect
  • Sell From The Perspective Of Fear & Anxiety
  • Use the words showed rather than taught because taught implies work
{Random|Aimless} BUTT {Useful|Handy}[/RANT]

Link Love (what's cookin'):

#WFLbƱmpdigest 1.5 (ram1f1cat10n.txt)

#WFLbƱmpdigest (aka #WFLrantcast/aka #bumpinstyle)

The "Grayhat-Ish" Hypothesis

These are the whitest "Grayhat-ish" links money can buy. You don't want blackhat for ruining your site's rankings, you don't want whitehat for paying thousands to agencies (ain't sayin' all, there are tons of good ones) each month for a few web 2.0's, so why not take the "Grayhat" approach and do things right?

Sooner or later Google is gonna hammer your site down, why wait for 2 years for incoming "Fatality" when you can start rankin' and bankin' in a few months with extra-ordinary links that agencies buy from me and resell for a few thousand bucks? While you are still getting the same thing for a few hundreds?

I am not saying that if you buy these links you will rank overnight or only these links are enough for ranking high and top....hmmm....nope.


What I am selling here is a foundation, on which your site will stand tall like a bad mofo against rankbrain/Fred....


[RANT]{Random|Aimless} BUTT {Useful|Handy}

Conversion (2.0.3):

  • The most important area of your business to optimize - Landing Page
  • Suggestions are what “experts” create, solutions are what Money Makers create
  • Most business failures come from getting the market wrong.

Mental Desk Clean-up 101 (or 3?):

  • Check everything that is out of your control, star on everything that’s within your control

  • Transfer starred items into priority list (things that will make a difference in your life) - 10 items maximum
  • Place a tick next to the things you are going to consciously let go of and do so immediately (Spoiler: Still, takes practice)

Sales Letter Formula (2.1): The "What If" Anomaly

  • The “What if” is when you get them to go do it
  • “What if” learners like to go out into the world and do the thing, and then they get feedback and that’s how they learn
  • The “What if” in the sales process is the customer buying and you go backwards from there
{Random|Aimless} BUTT {Useful|Handy}[/RANT]

Link Love (what's cookin'):

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#WFLbƱmpdigest 1.6 (3xpl0its.pdf)

#WFLbƱmpdigest (aka #WFLrantcast/aka #bumpinstyle)


No brand mention is better than awkward brand mentions.

Get it right with.......

[RANT]{Random|Aimless} BUTT {Useful|Handy}


  • If you can’t score a CTR of 0.10% or better, you’re going to have
    real trouble reducing your CPC to an acceptable level where the
    majority of CPA offers can be kept profitable.
  • Why not re-use those good looking images in your ad by flipping them horizontally? You might get better conversion :D
  • Don't waste money on cloaking if you don't know what you are doing.

Eating The Frog:

  • Make use of the Seinfeld Strategy
  • Work on the most important tasks when you are full of energy (For me, it's morning)
  • @Male buddies, you are lucky if you don't have a cutie pie waiting for you....

....more time to hustle.

Sales Letter Formula (2.0.4):

  • Psychology of a successful Copy
    1. Who Buys Info?
    2. What Do They Actually Buy?
    3. Why Do They Buy / Not Buy?
    4. The Hurdles To Overcome

{Random|Aimless} BUTT {Useful|Handy}[/RANT]

Link Love (what's cookin'):

#WFLbƱmpdigest 1.7 (ones-and-zer0es.mpeg)

#WFLbƱmpdigest (aka #WFLrantcast/aka #bumpinstyle)

[RANT]{Random|Aimless} BUTT {Useful|Handy}

Marketing (The Strength Theory):

  • Examples: "Focus on your genius areas"/"Focus on your strengths"/"trade out weaknesses"
  • Focus on what you need/want/how to get there......these are the things that can be a huge marketing tool.
  • Make sure to clarify properly to get attention of your target audience.

The "30 Days" rule (Or "21 Days"?)::

  • Takes more effort on "Phase 02 (11-20th days)" than on "Phase 01 (1st-10th days)"
  • Starts getting integrated in your life from Days 21-30
  • Keeping track of everyday is crucial in all 3 phases.

Sales Letter Formula (3.0.1):

Copywriting at it's best, announcing Internet is dead and Supernet is the "New Internet" and causing the whole stock market going crazy ---


{Random|Aimless} BUTT {Useful|Handy}[/RANT]

Link Love (what's cookin'):

#WFLbƱmpdigest 1.8 (d3bug.ppt)

#WFLbƱmpdigest (aka #WFLrantcast/aka #bumpinstyle)


No brand mention is better than awkward brand mentions.

Get it right with World's Finest Links

[RANT]{Random|Aimless} BUTT {Useful|Handy}


  • There are 2 fundamental things in marketing:
    1) Math
    2) Behavioural Psychology
  • Whom/"How To" mail:
    1) Rent
    2) Someone elses – Joint Venture
    3) Buy
    4) Barter
    5) Compile – public records
    6) Collect – from customers, lead generation, drawing boxes
  • Always make sure to have a story about what you are selling


  • Multi-tasking is the key if you want to drain your energy
  • Mind-mapping is the key, if you want to work at maxium efficiency
  • Most Internet Marketers make a crucial mistake of "NOT" drinking enough water.

Copywriting at it's best


{Random|Aimless} BUTT {Useful|Handy}[/RANT]

Link Love (what's cookin'):

#WFLbƱmpdigest 1.9 (da3m0ns.doc)

#WFLbƱmpdigest (aka #WFLrantcast/aka #bumpinstyle)

[RANT]{Random|Aimless} BUTT {Useful|Handy}


  • Switch from the mindset of “how do I get $1 from a million people?” to “how
    do I give away $100 worth of value to a million people and ask for $10 in
  • Try selling Advice instead of Information
  • Advising helps making human connection, one of the crucial steps of making the sale.


  • "How long can you focus on one thing at a time?" - Entirely person specific, for me, it's 35 minutes, then I need a break of 5 minutes.
  • Focus on the results / outcome
  • There are 3 levels of outcome,
    1. Physical outcomes
    2. Logical outcomes
    3. Emotional outcomes

Copywriting at it's best!


{Random|Aimless} BUTT {Useful|Handy}[/RANT]

Link Love (what's cookin'):

#WFLbƱmpdigest 2.0 (v1ew-s0urce.txt)

#WFLbƱmpdigest (aka #WFLrantcast/aka #bumpinstyle)
[RANT]{Random|Aimless} BUTT {Useful|Handy}


  • There are 3 levels to the selling process:
    1. Level 1 is engaging the prospect
    2. Level 2 is enrolling the prospect,
    3. Level 3 is compelling them so that they want to do it now
  • Connecting with customers is crucial, connection means that there is more to it than monetary transactions
  • Involvement is the hardest of all, is actually getting the people interactive with us.


  • We have both internal and external pressure, and pressure is what makes somebody act
  • Internal chaos creates external chaos
  • Chaotic mental state can rob you of your energy.

Copywriting at it's best!

Upselling in 2002!


{Random|Aimless} BUTT {Useful|Handy}[/RANT]

Link Love (what's cookin'):

WFLbumpdigest 2.1 (m1rr0r1ng.rtf)

#WFLbƱmpdigest (aka #WFLrantcast/aka #bumpinstyle)

[RANT]{Random|Aimless} BUTT {Useful|Handy}


  • When people start telling your stories to others, preferably giving you credit, that
    tells you a lot. That says you're getting it right.
  • The greatest influence comes from certainty
  • The story is the source of all power in selling


  • Focus in the ultimate power. Real happiness comes from controlling your focus (Writing it down for reminding myself)
  • The Zone is where the magic happens.
  • Successful people spend 40-50% of their time in the zone (Still trying to get there, guess it's easier to focus on things when you have your debts cleared and have millions in cash sitting in your bank account)

Copywriting at it's best

The sales pitch of 1992


{Random|Aimless} BUTT {Useful|Handy}[/RANT]

Link Love (what's cookin'):

WFLbumpdigest 2.2 (zer0-day.xls)

#WFLbƱmpdigest (aka #WFLrantcast/aka #bumpinstyle)

[RANT]{Random|Aimless} BUTT {Useful|Handy}



  • The more clutter you have in your mind the harder it gets reaching your goals (Again, reminding myself)
  • Negativity pushes you away from your goals
  • Narrow choices when you have too many and generate choices when you have too few

Copywriting at it's best!


{Random|Aimless} BUTT {Useful|Handy}[/RANT]

Link Love (what's cookin'):

WFLbumpdigest 2.3 (unm4sk.xlsx)

#WFLbƱmpdigest (aka #WFLrantcast/aka #bumpinstyle)
[RANT]{Random|Aimless} BUTT {Useful|Handy}


  • Demonstrations are far and away the most convincing form of
    proof because in them you can actually show your product or service in action and your customer can visibly see the results that they will derive from it
  • Upsells work because the customer is already in the buying state
  • Use the word "Special" in your upsells.


  • Taking time off is crucial, make sure to live in a state of "Semi-Retirement" during weekends.
  • When in doubt, take some time off. Get back in the game with a clear mind.
  • Put most important activities at beginning of the day.

Copywriting at it's best!

The Direct Mail package that was refused to sent out from the very beginning ---


{Random|Aimless} BUTT {Useful|Handy}[/RANT]

Link Love (what's cookin'):

WFLbumpdigest 2.4

Will you send me some samples?

I can't tbh as you don't have enough post count. Send me an email instead (Mentioned in the first post of this thread).
#WFLbƱmpdigest (aka #WFLrantcast/aka #bumpinstyle)

[RANT]{Random|Aimless} BUTT {Useful|Handy}


  • Always record your videos in 1080p
  • Use powerful words, e.g.
    Burn Fat – Much more specific to what someone wants
    Instantly – special word because it implies immediately
    Cash – Cash is very specific. There’s only one cash.
  • What you want to do is create a hierarchy of elements so that when someone looks at your design, they look at the thing you want them to, first.


  • Mistake of the IM'er, they spend too much time sitting down.
  • Find a system that works for you and repeat it over and over and over again
  • Spend less time at your computer. Yes, I mean it, don't sit down without objective/goal...

Copywriting at it's best!

Well, what can I say, the Wall Street never sleeps.


{Random|Aimless} BUTT {Useful|Handy}[/RANT]

Link Love (what's cookin'):

WFLbumpdigest 2.5

#WFLbƱmpdigest (aka #WFLrantcast/aka #bumpinstyle)


No brand mention is better than awkward brand mentions.

Get it right with World's Finest Links

[RANT]{Random|Aimless} BUTT {Useful|Handy}


  • It’s all about the customers. The thing we need to work on MOST is to have a DEEP understanding of our customers that we choose to sell to!!
  • People want the usual: Secrets; New; First
  • People like stories NOT things!

Problem ===> Unrealistic Workload

  • Track time spent:
    1. tasks as you do them and time to complete
    2. tasks you didn't get to and guess of how long they would have taken
  • Delegate responsibility
  • Hire an outside service

Copywriting at it's best!

Well, what can I say, the Wall Street never sleeps. (continued...)


{Random|Aimless} BUTT {Useful|Handy}[/RANT]

Link Love (what's cookin'):