Working "at home" but regularly FROM other/public locations

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It's all personal preference. Personally, I'm more distracted in places like starbucks (people watching) then I am at home. What are the distractions at home? If they're people then, yeah, you may need to find a place to get a way for a while. If it's the tv or the playstation, grow some willpower.

I have had some success at working in the library, but the lack of security is a big issue. Starbucks and other places to eat get old after an hour or two. If/when I do bridge the gap to "Quit my Day Job" I'll likely have to set up an office, because I won't get jack done on the couch.
It's all about discipline to work from home. Personally, I can't get any work done in public places. Too much noise and distraction. I prefer to work in the privacy of my own home.

On the other hand, it's very easy to get distracted at home too (phone calls, friends stopping by, dog needs to go out, etc) but I find it more relaxing than trying to work in a crowded public place.

I've said this a million times in other threads, but GET ON A SCHEDULE AND STICK TO IT. That's the absolute best way to focus and get things done. If I tell myself, okay today I am going to work from 8am to 4pm, I stick to my guns and do it.

Put yourself on a set schedule. Stick to it no matter what. You'll be golden.
I like going out to the coffee shop to work. The place that I go to has a nice crowd, no bullshit soccer moms on a caffeine rush screaming threw there cellphones. I really can get a lot of work done, compared to working in my room posting on WF all fucking day.
To be, it's about hustling 2-4 hours at home then going outside and doing whatever the fuck you want ... who wants to be stuck at home working 8 hours a day anyways.
It's all personal preference. Personally, I'm more distracted in places like starbucks (people watching) then I am at home. What are the distractions at home? If they're people then, yeah, you may need to find a place to get a way for a while. If it's the tv or the playstation, grow some willpower.

It's the people, yeah. TV is on but I couldn't tell you what's on it. Playstation? I don't think I have played games since Super Nintendo and not much since Genesis. I feel fortunate as I know of people that neglect a lot of responsibilities to play games. Not that there's anything inherently wrong with it- i'm sure a lot of people here play Wii or Playstation or whatever the thing is these days.

I kinda hate to put this out there ( and I'll preface by saying I don't need any relationship advice or anything like that. I love my family faults and all just as they are accepting of mine), but my family pretty much keeps me from working. By family I mean wife and kids, not living in my parents basement.

I do have an office at home and have tried everything I can to set boundaries and stand my ground but it's just useless.

I also am not going to blame them its probably about 50/50 me and them. 50% not being left alone to do what I need to do and 50% spending too much time wasting time.

Working at home pretty much has the additional distraction of everyone assuming you are available 24/7 to deal with minor bullshit, run their errands for them, do favors,etc. I am the type of person that when I work I get into the ZONE. Once I start getting shit done I just keep rolling. But every distraction sets me back to zero.

So yeah, I need to get out of the house. I feel like maybe if I have set times outside of the house just for work I will use that time more efficiently, but who knows.
You need a routine in your life and also a reason for working. Instead of thinking of working everyday from home, which is causing you to procrastinate, you should designate 1, 2 or 3 days (at most) a week to working on you websites. So for example, plan to work on the your sites on monday and wednesday, from 10am till 5pm. THATS IT. The rest of the time, you could do what the fuck you want without feeling guilty.

After all this is the whole point of not having a job. People get into the mistake of quiting their jobs but end up being a slave to their own business afterwards. They miss what they ultimately should be after. THE LIFESTYLE! Free up your time, and work less days but concentrate without distraction when you do work.

I agree. The problem is I endup spending 18 hours of effort to get 1-2 hours of actual work done. I was thinking of working every day, but around half time ( 4-5 hours a day). I dont feel in a position to only work a couple days, though maybe if its 2-3 full days a week and thats it- might work.
I can vouch for Verizon mobile broadband, if your planning on traveling around or just want to change your scenery once in a while then get it.

I've had Verizon phones since before they were verizon so this might be a good idea. Thanks for bringing up the security issue as well.

My whole thing about bringing up wifi wasn't because I prefered that or was unable or unwilling to pay for mobile broadband. It was because I just switched my home internet and noticed it came with the free wifi at starbucks, barnes and noble and other places, and I read that panera and those places offer it. So I was just thinking hey if ots availabel maybe I can use that while I try it out. Maybe I will endup NOT wanting to be working while Im out and not need mobile broadband ( and want to figure that out before I sign a contract).

I probably don't think about the security aspect as much I should, i guess.
Our local library just recently got rebuilt. It now has 4 study rooms that you can use for 2-3 hours at a time.

So my trick is going there 3-4 times a week for a break in routine. I tend to get a great deal of work done and come back refreshed. It is quiet for an ADD bastard like myself and yet typically a couple of hot pretty things wander by to fulfill my Dirty ol Man fix that Starbucks would offer. :)
I use to do the public places thing when I started out, where I live there is no highspeed or DSL ( I'm in the country, way out ) so I depended on public wifi for better speed then just dial up. I soon found an empty office closer to the city with DSL that I only pay $200 a month for. Works out great for me, but so did the public wifi's.. however, I got tired of people trying to get books and walk around me all the time with coffee and such.
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