Wordpress vs standalone site

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New member
Jun 26, 2006
I'm looking to quickly setup a couple of new simple content based sites, that will hopefully eventually earn some money.

Should I set them up using:
Wordpress - I believe this will be the quickest method to setup and update
a 'proper' site (it would be based on a free template as I have the design flair of a bunch of hedgehogs kept in a bag in the bottom of a cupboard i.e. not very much) I could then plugin a CMS for updating it.

If I go with wordpress I'd still be using a bought domain name and hosting it myself.

Would people think less of the site if it looks like a blog, would it look less professional, have less potential to earn money?

Any thoughts , advantages, disadvantages are appreciated.

I'm using WP on my only content site and it is great!
God bless WP.
You will love the billions of plugins (sitemaps, adsense, social bookmarking, quick edit in javascript and more). Thousands of templates. SEO friendly URLs. To see how my WordPress content site works for me read my publisher blog, and to see the site iteslf visit photographer tips (links in siggy).
Really wish somone would come up with some niche plugins for wordpress to integrate things like local portals, recipes, etc. - don't know if i can describe it properly but, make it more like a recipe script (plugin) - where you can have users enter recipes into a form and you can manage it - it would also layout the information and photos in a uniform way for each post..

It could really be a platform for anything - but just needs tweaking in certain directions for functionality of the niche you are working in..if any of this makes sense.
thing is - wordpress is a blogging solution, and just that.

I'm not sure recipies and photo galleries are all too relevant. Other CMS's though, can be integrated.
Giles said:
You will love the billions of plugins (sitemaps, adsense, social bookmarking, quick edit in javascript and more). Thousands of templates. SEO friendly URLs.
Could you give me a link to a good sitemap plugin for WordPress, because I've looked around and I can't find a decent one yet.
g1c9 said:
thing is - wordpress is a blogging solution, and just that.

I'm not sure recipies and photo galleries are all too relevant. Other CMS's though, can be integrated.

True - but it just saves time and learning curve if it can be incorporated into something you already know.. time/money thing..
jonjon said:
Really wish somone would come up with some niche plugins for wordpress to integrate things like local portals, recipes, etc. - don't know if i can describe it properly but, make it more like a recipe script (plugin) - where you can have users enter recipes into a form and you can manage it - it would also layout the information and photos in a uniform way for each post..

It could really be a platform for anything - but just needs tweaking in certain directions for functionality of the niche you are working in..if any of this makes sense.

Wordpress isn't the only good open source software in the world.
Check out this, or if drupal seems to scary for you, check this.

Wordpress is awesome at what is does, blogging, old skool blogging. But if you want to go beyond that there are much more powerful tools with more versatile functionality and plugins.
jonjon said:
Really wish somone would come up with some niche plugins for wordpress to integrate things like local portals, recipes, etc. - don't know if i can describe it properly but, make it more like a recipe script (plugin) - where you can have users enter recipes into a form and you can manage it - it would also layout the information and photos in a uniform way for each post..

It could really be a platform for anything - but just needs tweaking in certain directions for functionality of the niche you are working in..if any of this makes sense.

Wordpress isn't the only good open source software in the world.
Check out this, or if drupal seems to scary for you, check this.

Wordpress is awesome at what is does, blogging, old skool blogging. But if you want to go beyond that there are much more powerful tools with more versatile functionality and plugins.
I use Wordpress for a couple of standalone sites, really simplifies things in my opinion.
Hey does anyone use any good wordpress resource sites? *specifically template sites. Any particular good ones you use when doing content sites?
So Wordpress is better then Blogger?

Just wondering on a scale of 1 to 10 what would you give wordpress and blogger? I'm currently using blogger but from what it sounds is that wordpress is pretty good. I dont think blogger have all the plugins as wordpress.

My advice would be to get off of Blogger as soon as possible. It makes things a lot more flexible to own your own domain.
Blogger's a 1 and WordPress is an 8.

I've tried making sites on Blogger. Doesn't turn out well unless you're just using the blogger platform and faking having a very small regular site (aka not chronological, and linking directly to your posts [not dynamically]). It's hella buggy, doesn't let you have categories, and you have to have a giant-ass bar running along the top of the browser window (if they're hosting)--and who wants that?
Yeah, I have redesigned countless blogs for Real Estate Clients at work and Blogger is complete crap to work with. I would give Blogger a 5.5/10 and WordPress a 9.5/10. Both are free but WordPress is soo much better, faster, and easier to use. :) You would not believe how many hours I have wasted waiting for Blogger to load a page, or republish an index file. Oh and don't use TypePad.. that thing costs money and doesn't even let you play with the CSS lol
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