Wordpress Theme Designer (Any Recommendation)

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no personal recommendation but i just saw an ad for this:

Custom Wordpress Themes

We do all the hard work for you! We make Wordpress look how you want it to look. Tell us what you want, show us an image, or point us to your website... and we'll make Wordpress match it.
I have worked extensively with wordpress. If you approve, I could PM you my portfolio and then you may decide.

hey Anarkist , id be interested in seeing your work as well as average pricing for not to complex designs... thx !
Rasta_Cook, you have exceeded your PM limit, as per what WF tells me. Please look into it or provide me with an email adress.

pfgannon, amidst this confusion, I think I sent the prior work samples twice to your box by mistake. Apologies for that :)

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