Wordpress Permalinks

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New member
Jun 24, 2006
North East PA
Does anyone know how to change the permalink setting in Wordpress without effecting links to existing posts?

Im probably missing something thats right in front of me.

Thanks Jer

Id like to change the link scture to include the post title, but when I do it changes the URL to articles that have already been posted. I can see using some kind of re direct, but there has to be an easier way, or automated way of doing it.
Please, I could really use some help here! I nead to change the link structure in WP which is easy enough, but like mentioned it will screw up all established links to posts. I have close to 100 posts on this blog and cant see setting up a redirect for all 100, I wouldnt even no where to start, I would somehow have to figure out which p=xx post gos to the new link.

There has to be some sort of plugin or work around, someway to simplify this.

Throw me a bone here, if you can!
Have you gone on the WP forums and asked?

Did you try one of the links to a post before the permalink change, change the permalink, and then try the link after the change? Maybe WP automatically does it??? I really don't know, might be worth testing.

Best of luck, wish I could be more help!
I ran into this situation awhile back and researched it quite a bit. I couldn't find a plug-in. The only solution I could find required a lot of redirecting and htaccess shit that was way to hard for me. I changed it, took the hit and moved on.
No...but, I know people who have successfully. What problems are you running into...maybe I can help.
Theres an area that you enter your the old permalink structure, mine would be /%post_id%/, then update.

existing format= (http://xxxxx.com/?p=XX)

Now your supposed to go into the permalink interface and add whatever structure youd like, im going for /%catagory%/%postname%/ >update, and nothing, all existing links are broken and have been renamed according to the new structure.

Its actually seems pretty straight forward, it just cant get it to work
The spot where you plugged in your old permalink structure (in the plugin)...is there a spot there as well for the new structure?
No, only old structure, from that page "The spot where you plugged in your old permalink structure" you have to go into the default permalink interface to add the new structure.
What ver of WP are you using?

I'll set it up on one of my WP sites and try it out.
I haven't had a chance to setup a test blog.

Tell me:

1. What was your old structure
2. What is your new structure
3. When the plugin is activated, what is the structure it is showing when you go to a page?
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