Do you have your own Google GCM id / Apple developer certificate for this ?
I would be wary of pushing adult content using it as Google could revoke it if they got pissy. GoRoost allows adult content but they make you purchase their enterprise level package ($500/m) and you have to provide your own ids.
Regardless, looks awesome!
Thanks for the comment (

I realize I needed to go into a bit more detail about sending adult with this plugin.
You do need a GCM ID for the plugin, and I agree it could be and issue.
When GCM was originally for mobile only and the messages were sent via Android OS, the message content passed through Google and they could see everything you were doing.
With the new version for the Chrome browser, which also works for mobile (but uses Chrome browser instead of Android OS), the messages exist outside of Google.
Google only receives a command that tells them to notify the browser there is a message and the browser does the rest of the work.
The only data Google receives is an ID for the browser you want to send a message to.
This doesn't mean that people can send anything they want and expect it never to be a problem.
If Google received enough complaints it would be quite easy for them to find out who was sending the messages and ban that account.
And if that happened you would lose access to sending messages to all your current subscribers and would have to start again with a new GCM ID key.
Thought Exercise;
If I was to start sending Adult messages with the plugin, what I would do is keep the messages on point and have the sub process clear.
I would make it clear what people are signing up for and what they will expect to receive.
I personally would have a banner on the website, something like the one below.
If they know what they are getting into they are unlikely to complain and if you mix updates with adverts most people aren't going to being able to tell the difference.
This is only my personal option, so take it for what it is worth, but since the messages are outside of Google and as long as you don't get any complaints from users directly to Google, then it shouldn't be a problem.