Windows 8 - Even a 12-year old can't do it! LOL

Such a stupid interface, I will not upgrade. They hired a janitor for User Experience and I think they tested it on a cat. I know, makes 0 sense, just like Windows 8.
omg hecant close the browser...

omg he has to learn something new

omg it takes 10 mins to figure out windows 8

omg this isn't the windows i'm used to...

omg wait, this is actually kinda cool.
That's two words dipshit.

"I'm just going to say one word. Get out."
That's pretty funny, my first look at windows 8, glad the desktop is still there .. hope its an improved windows 7 underneath..
I don't understand why they had to change something that works.
Looks like I'm at Windows 7 until 2014/15 or so, when they release Windows 9. Knowing Microsoft, that release will kick ass. :)

Windows 7 works absolutely great for me, and I'm not about to fix something that ain't broke.
I don't understand why they had to change something that works.

It's called progress. Why change anything "that works"? Windows XP "works". A 97 Ford Taurus "works". A Sony Walkman playing cassette tapes "works". A VHS video recorder "works". Yet all of these things have been replaced by newer, faster, and better designed products. It's typical that some people are afraid of change. Change is bad. Change takes people out of their comfort zone. But eventually they come around and embrace the change, even if it means all their friends and family have to be the ones that take the first step to show them that the change is safe.
what the fuck?
Look at the scene where there is a blank desktop and the kid is too stupid to doubleclick the textfile and instead draws selections on the desktop. And you blame that on Windows 8?
loool, this was a recommended related video

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