will someone please tell me...

You should be testing 10 campaigns a week not a year....

i could def see that being more efficient lol

will adjust goals then, had no concept of campaign testing timelines...will research. thx.

btw...great journal. inspiring and informative.

in addition to that, im going to get my personal training website going that will serve dual purpose as an outlet for some legit affiliate offers (they exist?, want to maintain a certain level of integrity w this site) and maybe some amazon affiliate links (books, applicable products-protein, workout tapes, etc), while also using it to build my pt career and building a list. something like an 8 page site with seriously helpful content. ive spent years on bodybuilding forums and there is so much disinfo on training and nutrition that i have an actual understanding of that i feel i could offer valuable content and products to readers.

If this is your dream and you're ready to fight tooth and goddamn nail to make it happen then don't let me discourage you. But let me put it like this. I and a group of about 10 guys formed a mastermind group that met in person for around 8 or 9 months once a week. All the other guys were on a trip about how you need to "follow your bliss" and have a niche or product you are passionate about. I was the only one saying "Fuck that, I'm going to do whatever makes me money. I'll promote Hello Kitty merch, ice cream machines, belt buckles, space lego, whatever. I promote what the market dictates, I do not try to create a market for my personal dream". The other guys laughed, sneered, rolled their eyes and told me there was no way I could maintain my motivation while promoting stuff I'm not interested in. They all listen to Yaro Starek and use Site Build It and all that.

1 year after our first meeting none of them make any money and I make quite a bit (at least by the standards of anyone in that group). And I don't love my niches so I'm not stuck in the middle of them doing grunt work every day, I'm totally fine leaving that to someone else. And I have no resistance to dumping projects that are not working out because they aren't my personal dream. So my advice is do your market research before you map out your business plan, and also to have an image of what you want the end game to look like. Do you want to be writing blog posts and moderating a bodybuilding forum all day? Or do you want a business that runs itself with you as the mastermind in the box seat?

There are a lot of people out there who will take your money just to tell you to follow your dream and write valuable content and the traffic and money will just come. Fuck all those people, they're charlatans. Aside from playing to the market, there is also the overlooked fact that I spent 18 hours a day without a single full day off for around 2 years working and learning to make it to where I am (I started from scratch - didn't even know what hosting was, or what an ISP was). Few people can be as stubbornly persistent as I was because few people are as unsatisfied with a comfortable "typical" life as I was. Obviously a lot of people on Wickedfire are similar to me. But out of the 10 people a week who ask me for help getting into IM, approximately 0 do anything about it once they realize it takes lots of work to build it up.

I'm not sure why I bothered writing all that but I guess it's just my mood.
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^^^^^thx for taking the time write that out...makes complete sense. i will think long a hard about what you said.

i had already had these thoughts but figured since my "passion" happened to be in an already popular/profitable niche, and since i was going to be running campaigns that were more aligned with what you are talking about, then i would be taking both approaches. hedge my bet.

priority for me is $$$, fuck my passion, $$$ gives me freedom for my passion. but like you said, ive read where picking a niche you "enjoy" will translate to $$$. no doubt you need desire and passion, doesn't matter how you cultivate it. whether it be informing people on a subject you care about and are informed about, or your just passionate about money and freedom.
You know, he seems real. The syntax and humor is there. The format is correct. The advice is the same ingenious advice sumit always gave...but something is just off. I can't put my finger on it, but it....I don't know. I want to believe...

It's the image that he's using now. He needs to go back to his roots -
Unless you're willing to work your ass off day and night for a long time, I would forget about entering the various bodybuilding niches. There are already so many established forums and shedloads of decent programs like Vince Del Monte's around. From the SEO angle, even if you were backlinking like a madman, it could take a year or so to get on the map. From the PPC angle, I see these six pack ads on sites pretty much every day. These are always very good ads that are thrown up by affiliates that have lots of bankroll and lots of experience at doing this. You need to exploit uncompetitive markets that probably bore the crap out of you, you need to develop a gameplan, you need to choose between SEO/PPC and then pick up the basics/skills fast and you need to become 100% dedicated etc... etc!:D
Unless you're willing to work your ass off day and night for a long time, I would forget about entering the various bodybuilding niches. There are already so many established forums and shedloads of decent programs like Vince Del Monte's around. From the SEO angle, even if you were backlinking like a madman, it could take a year or so to get on the map. From the PPC angle, I see these six pack ads on sites pretty much every day. These are always very good ads that are thrown up by affiliates that have lots of bankroll and lots of experience at doing this. You need to exploit uncompetitive markets that probably bore the crap out of you, you need to develop a gameplan, you need to choose between SEO/PPC and then pick up the basics/skills fast and you need to become 100% dedicated etc... etc!:D

awesome advice
Unless you're willing to work your ass off day and night for a long time, I would forget about entering the various bodybuilding niches. There are already so many established forums and shedloads of decent programs like Vince Del Monte's around. From the SEO angle, even if you were backlinking like a madman, it could take a year or so to get on the map. From the PPC angle, I see these six pack ads on sites pretty much every day. These are always very good ads that are thrown up by affiliates that have lots of bankroll and lots of experience at doing this. You need to exploit uncompetitive markets that probably bore the crap out of you, you need to develop a gameplan, you need to choose between SEO/PPC and then pick up the basics/skills fast and you need to become 100% dedicated etc... etc!:D

well...fuck...ok, i guess i will rethink my approach.

You know, he seems real. The syntax and humor is there. The format is correct. The advice is the same ingenious advice sumit always gave...but something is just off. I can't put my finger on it, but it....I don't know. I want to believe...
He's missing the references to Indian gods like Shiva, and the gay butt sex. Step up your game, Sumit II.

Good luck bro