will someone please tell me...


Oct 5, 2010
how the fuck to make monies online?

reading for days...hovering between excitement and doubt.

can i do this? def going to try, nothing to lose. the sky is the limit right? but im a total fucking newb to all this, seems daunting. didnt even own a computer until a year ago and im 29.

i keep thinking that if i want it enough...its possible.

so, please tell me how to make monies online?

After my last post about the abundance of Google Cash and Obama Money schemes showing on Facebook, I had a really strange conversation with the girl who cuts my hair yesterday.

We were talking about what I do and then we drifted to Facebook and she asked the question - Can a normal person really make money on the internet like those ads say? My immediate response was “no, not really”.

I spent the next few hours thinking about this and came to the conclusion that a normal person is destined to fail.

My thoughts in no particular order:

The average person does not have a few thousand dollars of risk capital to test with that if lost does not affect their standard of living
The average person making money in the internet business might be a dumbass, but they are typically highly intelligent dumbasses.
The average person has almost no technical acumen of how anything internet related works
The average success on the internet failed many times before succeeding - I am one of the rare guys I know of who made the first website and domain I ever started work - most people give up too quickly to succeed.
The average person is unwilling to learn the math behind testing as it is “too hard”
The average person is probably unwilling to break out of their shell and push hard for a payout, white label, and other requirements to succeed
The average person is not creative enough to find a new way to succeed - not saying you need the baility to draw, but rather the ability to think outside the box.
The average person wants to be shown how to do something rather than figure it out - almost no one who buys ebooks makes any money - sellers maybe?
I am sure I had lots more thoughts/opinions about this, but as I write this I solidly believe that most of the people succeeding in the internet have traits that make them not the average person - not even the average person trying to succeed on the internet (put internet marketer in place of average person above) - intelligence, analytical ability, perseverence, critical thinking, and lots more.

To be honest, by definition a successful person is not average and thus someone who is average has the cards stacked against them from the start. For every 10,000 people who sign up for adwords or wicked fire or the Google cash system or buy a book on internet marketing - the vast majority never even had a prayer of success from day 1. Hundreds who did have a shot will fail out of laziness or stubborness or lack of capital etc. The few who do succeed were probably not lucky.

Diorex » Blog Archive » Can anyone make money on the internet?
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFMiWLfRIXk"]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
Hello friend,

You can make money online by blog on how make money online or by teach other how to make money online.

It no matter you no know how make money online self.

Good luck bro
Hello friend,

You can make money online by blog on how make money online or by teach other how to make money online.

It no matter you no know how make money online self.

Good luck bro

You know, he seems real. The syntax and humor is there. The format is correct. The advice is the same ingenious advice sumit always gave...but something is just off. I can't put my finger on it, but it....I don't know. I want to believe...
You know, he seems real. The syntax and humor is there. The format is correct. The advice is the same ingenious advice sumit always gave...but something is just off. I can't put my finger on it, but it....I don't know. I want to believe...
it takes money to make money.

start buying up all the how to guides for "making money on the internet"
I kid you not, u barely learned how to work a computer no you need to know how
the internet works.

those guides are a good start for a beginner
it takes money to make money.

start buying up all the how to guides for "making money on the internet"
I kid you not, u barely learned how to work a computer no you need to know how
the internet works.

those guides are a good start for a beginner

kinda surprised i got some serious responses in there...thanks. oddly, it helps.

im fucking going for it...:action-smiley-052:

my goal is in a year to have failed in at least 10 campaigns and succeed in 1. succeed being make at least a grand in a month.

in addition to that, im going to get my personal training website going that will serve dual purpose as an outlet for some legit affiliate offers (they exist?, want to maintain a certain level of integrity w this site) and maybe some amazon affiliate links (books, applicable products-protein, workout tapes, etc), while also using it to build my pt career and building a list. something like an 8 page site with seriously helpful content. ive spent years on bodybuilding forums and there is so much disinfo on training and nutrition that i have an actual understanding of that i feel i could offer valuable content and products to readers.

at first plan to mostly rely on SEO and transition into ppc as i become more experienced.

question for my pt website- i want to market and brand myself and my name. i am good at what i do and have the look, plan on using pics of myself, my name, etc...what are the drawbacks of including my name in the domain name? ex. xxxxxxxxfitness.com

my current goals:

1. finish reading "tested advertising methods" as recommended by WF member

2. read all WF stickies at least twice

3. watching youtube google analytic vids (kinda boring but essential)

4. quit fucking reading, buy a domain, hosting, get prosper, adwords account, apply to affiliate programs, and as brain tracy says try to not get "cooked in the squat".

what do you guys think? all replies welcome....if my plan sucks, please say so...but remember i only discovered this game about a week ago. thanks.

sorry, meant to post this in newbie section if a mod wants to move it