I didn't want to throw Bobby's big huge explanation in my post but put it this way, I repped him for adding a lot of thought to the conversation and being mostly correct.
Google doesn't need to compete with Facebook, since Google is much better and bigger than FB.
Have you used google+ at all ? It sucks.
Man, maybe it will be as huge as wave or buzz!
The future is social networks like this one, the WF. Niche mini social networks that focus on a particular like, business or trend. Not a social platform for everyone and their mothers.
Bingo, and I also think that
niche searching is also going to be big. Why search all of the Net when I can just use a sports engine ? Or a business engine, or a porn engine or my own custom engine where I have turned other, irrelevant niches off in results..
I think that Google is pulling a Microsoft. They are trying to be everything, do everything and dominate, while cutting corners inside their own establishment.
They need to stick to being a search engine. That is what they are and that is what makes them profit.
Myspace DID fail from all the shitty HTML pages I agree but if they would have stuck to being a music based, band blogging platform they would still be successful.
We are lucky that we only have to SEO for one search engine right now. Imagine owning 100 sites and having to SEO for 7 different search engines. That would be a bitch. Google's domination is great for us
Let it be.