Wieght Loss/fitness Question from my Wife for all you WF Challengers!

Practical tip: don't eat after 6pm. In Russia, there is a saying. Eat your whole breakfast, share your lunch with your friend, and give your dinner to your enemy... At least that's what my grandfather always used to tell me.

In any case, splurge in the morning, moderate in the afternoon, and have a light dinner. This type of approach has helped me reach my weight goal on several occasions.

Good luck.

Practical tip: don't eat after 6pm. In Russia, there is a saying. Eat your whole breakfast, share your lunch with your friend, and give your dinner to your enemy... At least that's what my grandfather always used to tell me.

In any case, splurge in the morning, moderate in the afternoon, and have a light dinner. This type of approach has helped me reach my weight goal on several occasions.

Good luck.

I have to agree with this, and not cause Im Russian. Well American now and forever after. Welcome Gene303 by the way.

We move around and do more physical activities during the day, yet we have the biggest meals before we completely shut down our body. Who come up with this rule anyways.
Quick Tip - eating an apple before you have dinner, helps you eat a smaller dinner. But thats only if you're serious about loosing weight.
ditto counting the calories thing . . . just watch it and stick to whatever the max is that she is supposed to be eating.

I shoulda joined the weight loss thing - I've lost 60 lbs since December 09. 30 in the last 3 months. How? P90X - there I said it.

Good luck to you and her - just keep at it and don't give up - baby steps.
By doing the same exact thing as you, you mean eats same amount of calories?

She probably should be eating a lot less than you are. Agree with people above she needs to eat less. I don't think she needs to burn 600 calories every day to lose weight, instead eat less.
shes consuming too many calories ... make sure she understands how many calories are in the foods she is eating... eat cleaner food
I highly recommend a book called "mean genes", has a great chapter about diet/weight loss.

Women need less calories a day than a man, they also need to store a higher % of body fat than a man as well. Comparing her to you is apples and oranges so to speak, and unfair and possibly demotivating to her.

My premise is that if she was sedentary prior, her muscles are growing and contributing to the weight gain. Don't worry about weight, it is irrelevant for the most part. What matters is body fat %. Monitor that, and I'm sure you'll see she is losing fat and gaining muscle tissue. Visible results are very deceiving.

Also if she really wants to strive for exceptional health try fasting or calorie restriction a few times a month. If she has any digestive issues, that might help, and it is pretty much proven to extend lifespan.
So you're saying a pound of muscle weighs more than a pound of fat?

No, he is saying muscle tissue is heaver than fat by volume.
Meaning 5lb of muscle are smaller/denser than 5lbs of fat tissue.

also see:

By doing the same exact thing as you, you mean eats same amount of calories?

She probably should be eating a lot less than you are. Agree with people above she needs to eat less. I don't think she needs to burn 600 calories every day to lose weight, instead eat less.

This is what came to my mind first.

She will absolutely need less calories than you, so your diets should be different.
The "secret" to weightloss is really simple.

Calories out > calories in.

If shes gaining weight she is eating at a surplus. Fitday.com is really very good for counting all your calories and tracking and maintaining a deficit.

The secret to losing weight and actually looking good when you lose it is a bit more complicated. Eat a high protein diet and lift heavy weights (yes for women too) if you want to lose more fat than muscle, just eating very little and doing a shitload of cardio will probably not leave you looking the way you want, even if it does cause you to lose weight.