wickedfire is slowly turning into DP


You should totally write porn.
I write Porn Screenplays when everyone sleeps. You must have seen my labour of love in --

A Clear And Present Stranger
Add Momma To The Train
Any Given Cumday
Batman in Robin
Big Trouble In Little Vagina
Breakfast On Tiffany
Breast Side Story
Bumfight At The OGay Corral
Charlie's Anal
Children Of The Cornhole
Chitty Chitty Gang Bang
Clitty Clitty Bang Bang
Crocodile Done Me
Cum And Cummer
Cunt Hardly Wait
Diddle-Her on the Roof
Driving Miss Daisy Crazy
Ed's Wood
Ferris Bueller's Jerk Off
Field Of Wet Dreams
For Your Ass Only
For Your Thighs Only
Forrest Hump
Forever Hung
Forrest Gimp
Full Metal Jackoff
Glazed And Confused
Going For Sloppy Seconds
Honey, I Shanked The Kids
Honey, I Shrunk Your Clit
I Know What You Did Up The Bummer
I Know Who You Did Last Summer
Inspect Her Gadget
Intercourse With The Vampire
Jurassic Poke
Lawrence Of A Labia
Leaking Beauty
Lord Of The Cock Rings
Man On The Poon
Men in Back
My Best Friends Wetting
My Big Lebowski
My Best Friends Wetting
My Big Fat Greek Woody
On Golden Blonde
Riding Miss Daisy
Riding on Boys in Cars
Romancing The Bone
Saturday Night Beaver
Saturday Night Fever Blister
Schindler's Fist
Screw Momma In The Train
Sex Trek: The Next Penetration
Sleeping With The Enema
Some Big Dick Head This Way Comes
Sorest Rump
South Pork: Big Long and Uncut
Sperms of Endearment
Starshit Poopers
Tango and Snatch
The Bad Nudes Bared
The Crocodile Humper
The Empire Likes Crack
The Empire Stikes From The Back
The Jism Of Oz
The Little Sperm-Aid
The Loin King
The Man Who Blew Too Much
The Pelican Queif
The Royal Tenderbuns
The Spooge-itive
The Wadfather
Three Men And A Barbie
Throbbin' Hood
Twat Lies Beneath
Twin Cheeck
Weapons of ass destruction
White Men Can't Hump
Will He Bonk Ya In The Chocolate Factory
Willie Wanker Up the Chocolate Factory
Young Buns
You've Got Male
You've Got Male Genitalia
(Spanking) 12 Monkeys
A Rear and Pleasant Danger
A Fist Full for Dollars
American Bi
Ass Ventura
Black Cock Down
Booty and the Beat
Boys on the Hood
Butt Pirates of the Carribean
Buttman Forever
Drive This Miss Daisy
Forrest Dump
Forskin Hump
Fucked in 60 Seconds
Full Latex Jackoff
Goodwill Humping
How Stella Got Her Tube Packed
Humped Back at Notre Dame
I Know Who You Did Last Summer
Leave It In Her Beaver
McHale's Gravy
Moulin Splooge
Murphy's Brown
My Bare Lady
Natural Born Jigglers
One Blew Another in the Cuckoos Nest
One Fell Into the Poo Poo's Nest
Ordinary Peepholes
Orifice Space
Planer of the Gapes
Play it to the Boner
Plowing Miss Daisy
Porn on the 4th of July
Position: Impossible
Pump Friction
Reaming out the Dead
Riskey Jizzness
Robin's Wood
Scat People
Single White She-male
Sleeping Booty
Silence of the Loing
Snow White and the 7 Sailors
The Bone Erector
The Midget Bones Diary
The Rawshank Infection (my personal favorite)
The Truman Blow
Tits a Wonderful Life
Waiting to XXX Hale
What About Boob
Who Lies Beneath
Who's Eating Gilbert Grape

lol. what a great life lesson.

if you live in a glass house, don't fucking throw stones
I want to know more about this

Looks like she took it out! Funny... it was a template she was selling for cheap, that was an exact replica of what I paid hundreds for, for a "custom" design.

I guess Semantic Flow is still in hiding, but she's lurking in this thread, that's for sure. I won't stop until I see a refund for my last 2 designs I paid her for.

To our dear OP Semanticflow -
Looks like you ain't flowing no more.

At least she took down the links on her site and realized she really got pwned.

I just want to bump this thread
Well, i definitely accept the fact that Wickedfire is being bashed by those low quality cheap and useless crap, which DP is now obsessed with. But i really wonder, why everyone over here wants to be a racist a**. I really think, you got to research before you complain, its not just one nation that causes this problem, I have seen damn cheap aholes from all those western countries coming in and selling their crap stuff for prices cheaper than Indians. So just don't put the blame on Indians, rather just blame those few sh**heads who just do stuff badly, i duly respect that user privacy and design privacy has to be followed by every designer, if one doesn't follow, then just bash that idiot. Why do you people hurt an entire nation. I am from India as well and i have been designing for the past 5 odd years, i've had 100's of customers from every part of the world, but none thinks i am stupid and crap, and i don't undersell my skills as well. I price it in the right way and do satisfy my user. I follow all designer principles and deliver 100% good and usable products.


I honestly think, even before blaming an Indian you got to blame the idiot to outsources it for cheap prices, its those marketing Idiots who really spoiled this market, it was once great and flourishing and the talented were awarded, not it sucks big time and the sole reason i think are marketers. They got get a new life and think about sharing their profits properly. They just want so much for themself and try to take the bigger lot of the money. But i really think they should take the least of it, because they absolutely put in no effort other than to find the right people. So be wise on your shares and just don't cheat on people, if you pay less, you get less.

So please don't abuse an other country, without really knowing everyone in it.

Just because one creed does it the other way doesn't mean that the entire country is spoiled.

So be wise and think wise.
why you are you asking this wickedfire is tunning into dp.every forum had its own repute......
I write Porn Screenplays when everyone sleeps. You must have seen my labour of love in --

On Golden Blonde
Riding Miss Daisy
Riding on Boys in Cars
Romancing The Bone
Saturday Night Beaver
Saturday Night Fever Blister
Schindler's Fist


You left out these classics:
Risky Jizzness
Cliff Banger