Wicked Fire Sucks

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Call me Andy
Jun 27, 2006
Washinton D.C.
So here's my rant of the day.
http://a2-network.com/2006/08/06/rant-of-the-day/ said:
Wicked Fire Forum sucks.
I was trying to sort of compress this rant, but now I can’t any longer. I haven’t seen a more worseless organized webmaster forum. Its basically the exact opposite of Earners Forum. EF is nice, organized, structured, light-colored, with quality posts and posters, and WF is the exact opposite.
Not only that, Jon’s contest was a total fiasco. I think his contests ended over a month ago, and I was one of the winners because I referred 30 members. I have yet to receive a PM from him with at least the download link for a script which he described as a “uniquely made site by his team”.
Then, to top it off, he prohibited me to basically post a link to my blog on WF because he thought I was making threads 100% only for self-promotion and stuff.
Oh well, EF is 100% better, and I think the key characteristic that makes me like it so much is the whole money deal. I feel like working harder just to be like a blue money bar lol. The forum is really well organized, and the posters are really friendly. Oh, and of course, Lee already found the contest winners only after 5 days of it being over. Lee has also replied to the majority of my IMs, if not all, while Jon has never replied to any form of correspondance from me.
Oh, I quit Sitepoint too, its a waste of time now. Charging for Trade Your Services was the icing on the cake for me. 33% of the dollar they’re charging goes to Paypal, I think they’re charging people just to bother. SP now serves only one purpose on my bookmarks list - easiest way to sell stuff.
Nothing’s really new with the network, trying to see how the redesign of Text For Free is doing monetarily.
- Andy Rouhafzai
Yeah, I just copy/pasted my blog post.

As the old saying goes:

"Don't go away mad...Just go away"

or another cliche:

"If you don't like the station, change the channel"

Nobody really gives a shit if you don't like WF and you like EF better.

So, what was the purpose of posting that anyhow?

You're number 1 in book!

more worseless
ltn1dr said:
To be honest, I posted it to get a few readers from here, so ban me or whatever the fuck Jon wants to do.

Plus, I never got that link to that scraper download either ;)
You posted to get a few readers? So, this IS just a self sucking promotion post, huh? Good tactic. I hope it works. *sarcasm*

Also, your sig advertises the fact that you're an immature punk, and your post just solidifies that. Grow up a bit, then come back.
One difference WF has to EF is that this thread wasn't deleted. Jon let your voice be heard.

Lee will delete your posts if it has anything to do with pornography...

Not trying to diss Lee here though, and the irony of it all is that he's Jon's friend.
Tyler said:
One difference WF has to EF is that this thread wasn't deleted. Jon let your voice be heard.

Lee will delete your posts if it has anything to do with pornography...

Exactly why I like this place, it's a cool hangout. I like EF a too, but what the hell.
come on guys, don't you remember being 16? young dumb and full of c#$? sure it was a waiste of good web space to copy his blog post but if Jon owes him a script and he did not deliver then Jon should take care of it and send the kid an IM and tell him how grown ups handles there bidness. like my run on sentence?
Tyler said:
One difference WF has to EF is that this thread wasn't deleted. Jon let your voice be heard.

Lee will delete your posts if it has anything to do with pornography...

Not trying to diss Lee here though, and the irony of it all is that he's Jon's friend.

I have to admit, thats true. ;)
Wow someone has their panties all in a bunch. May I suggest a thong? It worked for me.
One thing I'm liking about WF so far is the freedom of speech :)

Anyway, Andy, I think you're an idiot. I don't know why every forum I go to you, you're always advertising your shitty blog. Your blog posts are never interesting and the way you write is a snore.

Another thing that bothers me is that you're always bragging about the fact that you're 16 and you're making money on the web. Nobody gives a shit man. Get over yourself. I'm pretty sure you already know there's tons of people your age making a good amount of money online and they don't put that shit in their signature on every single forum they post on.

You expect to be taken seriously but it's funny.. didn't you post on EF about how your mom took away your laptop so you couldn't do any work? Now that's hilarious, lol. You're a joke man, seriously.
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