Why Women Are Their Own Worst Enemy

We can be real mean to each other but in cases of cheating partenrs is your man who owns you an explanation not the girl who got on with him. I'm married and as much as I would hate a girl who touches my hubby he would be the one in serious trouble, 'cause is him who I trust I if he messes up it would be his own doing, no one can forces him. Basic weakness that we so easily justified as a man thing, it's not. We all can do it some of us just choose not to.

I would LOVE to see how big the lineup is for people waiting to get a hold of your copywriting services.

You must just have people chompin' at the bit to get a piece of that drivel.

Will read after my workout... but lately, we've had more than average girl drama in my little clique here, basically jealousy over various guys. My best friend and I just reduce it to this quote, which we repeat whenever stupid shit goes down:

"Girls hate girls"

Once you come to that realization and no longer give a shit about which girls are getting along with who, then you are free to have fun with the boys and do as you please. Any girls that can't handle it can leave, cuz the guys aren't breaking up and plenty of other girls want to have fun with us.
Additionally, reading this book (which I've linked on here NUMEROUS times) puts it all in a scientific, genetic/evolutionary perspective that makes a lot of sense, and no longer makes me question or fight it:

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Red-Queen-Evolution-Human-Nature/dp/0140245480]Amazon.com: The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature (9780140245486): Matt Ridley: Books[/ame]

HIGHLY recommended book (The Red Queen)
Agreed if girls world is the kitchen.


Reminds me of:
Most of the females I have known in my life have been high-maintenance. This includes friends, family, and acquaintances. They gravitate toward drama, and are easily offended by what others think, even if they profess otherwise.

When you no longer want to have sex with them, the time spent becomes tedious. It's like being forced to watch Oprah every waking hour for years.

With a few exceptions, I limit my exposure to females. I hang out with males and by coincidence, life is much more engaging.
Originally Posted by AmyWoods:
We can be real mean to each other but in cases of cheating partenrs is your man who owns you an explanation not the girl who got on with him. I'm married and as much as I would hate a girl who touches my hubby he would be the one in serious trouble, 'cause is him who I trust I if he messes up it would be his own doing, no one can forces him. Basic weakness that we so easily justified as a man thing, it's not. We all can do it some of us just choose not to.
Originally Posted by DrewClement: I would LOVE to see how big the lineup is for people waiting to get a hold of your copywriting services.

You must just have people chompin' at the bit to get a piece of that drivel.
My thoughts exactly. Amy, you do realize that this isn't an SMS chat, right? Please don't use the term "writer" anywhere near your name from now on, hmmm?

You're A Fucking Embarrassment To The Trade.
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girl vs girl: complete social takedown

nothing wrong with that, just how nature and evolution has made us.
Maria Portokalos: Toula, on my wedding night, my mother, she said to me, "Women, we may be lambs in the kitchen, but we are tigers in the bedroom."
Women unique with their own way. Honestly, I would rather make friends with men, they're more practical. But that doesn't mean I discredit women. I was a woman, my mother a woman, so did my grandmother. If you disfigure a woman then you discredit your mother too.

After all, not just women, men also have ugliness. hey why nobody write a thread about it

If women ruled the world there would be no wars. Just a bunch of jealous countries not talking to each other.

Women unique with their own way. Honestly, I would rather make friends with men, they're more practical. But that doesn't mean I discredit women. I was a woman, my mother a woman, so did my grandmother. If you disfigure a woman then you discredit your mother too.

After all, not just women, men also have ugliness. hey why nobody write a thread about it

Was it a painful transition to become a man?