Why Women Are Their Own Worst Enemy

you cannot trust anything that bleeds for a week and lives!!!

no other being on the planet can bleed for a week and live... if something does then how could you possibly trust it. there has to be surely something dodgie about it...
Not going to read because I prefer to save it for when it arrives in my mailbox but I've assume I already know the drift. It's nothing new and it is true. Men have been real dickwads to women over the history of (wo)mankind. But we are worse to each other which is a typical response when you're forced to fight over scraps. That said, the ones that recognize this and rise above this are typically amazing human beings.

Women have the potential to be ridiculously awesome, but most of the time they're just ridiculous.
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We can be real mean to each other but in cases of cheating partenrs is your man who owns you an explanation not the girl who got on with him. I'm married and as much as I would hate a girl who touches my hubby he would be the one in serious trouble, 'cause is him who I trust I if he messes up it would be his own doing, no one can forces him. Basic weakness that we so easily justified as a man thing, it's not. We all can do it some of us just choose not to.
Pre-taliban, in Afghanistan, if you'd done something bad, the men killed you.

If you'd done something really bad, they gave you to the women first.

I think this article has some truth, but not all women behave like this. I'm friends with a number who don't. I think feminism has caused a lot of this... although it's achieved a lot of good things in terms of women's rights, somewhere along the way it got twisted into the idea that women should be competitive in the same way men are.

Women are much better at co-operating then competing (which is why they often make better managers than men). When they compete, it usually turns personal and nasty quickly. Guys can fight one day, and forget it the next. Not always a good thing, but handy in this case.
Not going to read because I prefer to save it for when it arrives in my mailbox but I've assume I already know the drift. It's nothing new and it is true. Men have been real dickwads to women over the history of (wo)mankind. But we are worse to each other which is a typical response when you're forced to fight over scraps. That said, the ones that recognize this and rise above this are typically amazing human beings.

Women have the potential to be ridiculously awesome, but most of the time they're just ridiculous.

Bow down to the Turbolapp TRUTH