Why was Michael Jackson killed? And what does Latoya have to say about it?

And when it comes to dealing with threats from wherever they may come don't underestimate the power of an angry armed American mob. There's about 1 gun for every person in the US.

Its probably more than that. According to the Small Arms Survey 2007 conducted by the Geneva-based Graduate Institute of International Studies, the United States has 90 [registered] guns for every 100 citizens. But they also found that only about 12 percent of civilian weapons are thought to be registered with authorities.

This kind of stuff is really easy to get sucked into

DMX walks talks and acts like a crackhead. I can't understand why anyone would view him as a credible threat to anything really.

And when it comes to dealing with threats from wherever they may come don't underestimate the power of an angry armed American mob. There's about 1 gun for every person in the US.

Its probably more than that. According to the Small Arms Survey 2007 conducted by the Geneva-based Graduate Institute of International Studies, the United States has 90 [registered] guns for every 100 citizens. But they also found that only about 12 percent of civilian weapons are thought to be registered with authorities.

Who gives a shit? The only thing you guys use them for is to keep people off your property.

It's always funny when I read shit like this and then I think ok gee where the fuck are all these gun mobs when the government just keeps fucking them over and over and over and over again?

Haven't guns been made illegal in certain cities/states already or have severe restrictions placed on them? e.g. NYC

Where the fuck where you guys at why weren't you wavin your guns around as they brought these laws in?

lol guns lol

(not that I'm against guns or agree or disagree with the OP but just my thoughts on the above because it annoys me every time I see this and I usually don't comment but fuck man get real your guns are useless against any government/illuminati or whatever you want to call it)
Who gives a shit? The only thing you guys use them for is to keep people off your property.

It's always funny when I read shit like this and then I think ok gee where the fuck are all these gun mobs when the government just keeps fucking them over and over and over and over again?

Haven't guns been made illegal in certain cities/states already or have severe restrictions placed on them? e.g. NYC

Where the fuck where you guys at why weren't you wavin your guns around as they brought these laws in?

lol guns lol

(not that I'm against guns or agree or disagree with the OP but just my thoughts on the above because it annoys me every time I see this and I usually don't comment but fuck man get real your guns are useless against any government/illuminati or whatever you want to call it)


If you think the second amendment is there so that people can keep intruders off their property you're smoking crack.

Guns are for SHTF situations only, not because you're raging about a law thats passed you didn't like (although sure people unfortunately do that too from time to time).

I remember reading about a study that someone did on economic collapses around the world. They found that the most useful thing to barter with, the item that held tons of value, was the .22 LR round.
Have a tinfoil thread at my gates too..pulls for some interesting shit. Find this David Icke guy to be refreshing. Gotta watch the series to see how deep this guy gets...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7WTxb-Oe7s"]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbWs7EKr7wg"]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJi2HaJf1VI"]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
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It's all part of a massive conspiracy to make people buy shit they don't need and can't afford.
Have a tinfoil thread at my gates too..pulls for some interesting shit. Find this David Icke guy to be refreshing. Gotta watch the series to see how deep this guy gets...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJi2HaJf1VI"]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]


Awesome video bro, AWESOME! watch this you non believing fuckers.

It's very clear to me that they are told to put this shit in their lyrics... that's even if these plastic fuckin puppets even write their own rap(shit) anyway.
YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.


Awesome video bro, AWESOME! watch this you non believing fuckers.

It's very clear to me that they are told to put this shit in their lyrics... that's even if these plastic fuckin puppets even write their own rap(shit) anyway.

Making a reference in a song because it rhymes or because it's "edgy" doesn't mean that the artist was "told to put it there" and doesn't mean ANYTHING at all. It means literally nothing.

I hope you're trolling.
Making a reference in a song because it rhymes or because it's "edgy" doesn't mean that the artist was "told to put it there" and doesn't mean ANYTHING at all. It means literally nothing.

I hope you're trolling.

So they all just coincidentally sing/rap about and put in their lyrics "new world order" and "illiuminati" themed stuff?

Okkkkkkkkk then. You obviously didnt watch the vid properly, or the vids I posted in the OP.

It amazes me how people can't get their heads around this stuff and still don't believe their is something really sinister going on, it really does... but we will see in the end.
So they all just coincidentally sing/rap about and put in their lyrics "new world order" and "illiuminati" themed stuff?

Okkkkkkkkk then. You obviously didnt watch the vid properly, or the vids I posted in the OP.

So they all just coincidentally sing/rap about and put in their lyrics "scientology" and "xenu" themed stuff?

Yes, because it rhymes or because it's a "hot topic." You think Scientology is paying or forcing A Tribe Called Quest to write the lyric "The church of scientology, feminine biology, Manic depressive psychologically?" No, because it's nonsensical and trite, just like 80% of the references to "illuminati" in the video you posted. It's a throwaway lyric.

Do you think Scientology is paying or forcing The Devil Wears Prada to write a song called "Lord Xenu?" No, because like the other 20% of the references to "illuminati" in the video you posted, it's taking a NEGATIVE stance against the topic.

The Illuminati and the New World Order are not so secret that they aren't part of pop culture, and every reference to them is not malicious or forced or a facet of some massive plot to "brainwash teh mazzes."

Get over it.

It amazes me how people can't get their heads around this stuff and still don't believe their is something really sinister going on, it really does... but we will see in the end.

You can find "hidden symbolism" in anything if you're determined to find it, it's a combination of paranoia and pareidolia.

I'm a member of the illuminati and it's nutjobs like you who keep people believing our existence is ridiculous. Thanks.
jesus man i've been worshiping the devil since '97 and still no illuminati invite, wtf

Well when we finally do invite you and you get your club card, hold onto that shit tight. The illuminati are total dicks if you lose your member card. I once went into the illuminati office over at Mockingbird and 15th street, you know the one between the 24 Hour Fitness and the Ace Cashway Express? The kid behind the desk didn't even do the secret handshake, he just rolled his eyes. I told him I just needed a new membership card so I could get a black helicopter scheduled for following around my girlfriend cause I'm pretty sure she is cheating on me. He said only a manager could approve a new card and he was currently out making plans to tell Obama put BP into receivership and then he had to pick his kid up from school. I didn't realize operating the laminator was such a sensitive subject but apparently once a member of the Senior Enlightened replaced the picture on his card with Alex Jones' picture and nobody noticed for like two months!! Talk about an embarrassment for the Cleveland Branch Overseers. So then I asked if I could just get a temporary paper card until tomorrow, but I was told no and that if I need to authenticate myself to any other Members I was just going to have show them my Illuminati scrotum tatoo. I finally gave up and left, I was so pissed that I decided to blow off some steam I would call Equifax and have them lower the credit scores of everybody in the 75201 zip code by 80 points. That made me fell a little better but I still didn't have the helicopter to follow my chick which started the whole mess.

.... Long story short, don't lose your illuminati member card.
Boo yaaaaaaaaaaaa, more, cannot deny this shit.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7OjB9aPR1I"]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
It's very clear to me that they are told to put this shit in their lyrics...

So the Illuminati are telling them to use anti-Illuminati lyrics?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAKfS5lMm68&"]YouTube- 2pac talks about the illuminati (he did not believe interview proof)[/ame]

At around 5:30, 2pac calls rumors of the Illuminati trying to kill him "bullshit" and asks how people like Farrakhan would know this. 2pac also mentions people being more concerned about what is printed on money than actually making it.

Farrakhan and others have openly been speaking out against the Illuminati for years. That along with the internet and things like,

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbYcV7N44ZQ"]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

make it part of "pop culture" and therefore musicians and such will mention it, whether it's real or not.
watch both parts

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9TH-iBaiJs"]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
So the Illuminati are telling them to use anti-Illuminati lyrics?

YouTube- 2pac talks about the illuminati (he did not believe interview proof)

At around 5:30, 2pac calls rumors of the Illuminati trying to kill him "bullshit" and asks how people like Farrakhan would know this. 2pac also mentions people being more concerned about what is printed on money than actually making it.

Farrakhan and others have openly been speaking out against the Illuminati for years. That along with the internet and things like,

YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.

make it part of "pop culture" and therefore musicians and such will mention it, whether it's real or not.

Thanks for posting the 2pac interview very interesting twist to it all. I don't know, maybe 2pac was saying bullshit to it all to protect his own ass or maybe he later on realized the truth (which does make sense) and got a few anti illuminati songs thru?

Interesting nonetheless, but you can't deny the illuminati exists. It aint all just a coincidence.

Yet another awesome vid, just watched and about to watch part 2.
Roflmao apparently if you want to wind up all the conspiracy nuts you just have to make videosand audio interviews where you hide your identity by blurring and distort your audio
Roflmao apparently if you want to wind up all the conspiracy nuts you just have to make videosand audio interviews where you hide your identity by blurring and distort your audio

And lots of new age graphics that wouldnt make the cut for a fourth edition Dianetics reprint.
JFK secret society speech... eat it mo' fuckaz

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhZk8ronces"]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]