Why Is Obama Such a Stupid

^ You're correct, but when Perry talks about job creation in Texas he includes the new government job positions, some of which came from the federal stimulus. The private sector in Texas has lost 40,000 jobs, but government has added 115,000 to their payroll.

Obama could assign everyone a job and technically that would be a net positive in the number of jobs that existed, but it wouldn't increase GDP.

How Rick Perry Created Jobs in Texas - Rick Newman (usnews.com)


Well if he's working on his "list building" skills w/that he needs to offer a better incentive :D
They changed the main page and put up a buffer page in between. Probably figured the form reporting your neighbor to Comrade Obama looked too much like something out of Stalin's USSR. So now you have to submit your email and name before you can rat out your neighbor for thinking anti-communist thoughts.

When are the fucking idiots in America gonna wake up and realize this Trojan Horse in the White House is merely a Communist portal that is directing power to the most radical, fringe, and extreme players in the far-left Communist movement? When are they gonna realize that this is the first time in U.S. history that the domestic Communist movement has ever captured the most powerful position in the United States? And that was all they needed? Imagine Bill Ayers, the man who was fine with killing 25 million capitalists, sitting in the Oval Office. That is what we have, people!
hahaha, it's about a big war,, just how does a leader resolve of making a scene ... It is difficult, controlling many of them are hostile ... chayooo :)