Why Is Obama Such a Stupid

the page is pretty unclear...what kind of "attack" does it mean? I guess an "attack" is anything critical or negative said about obama.
"report your boss, friend, father, mother, spouse, etc. for a thought crime today!" is what i got from it on first impression. it's not really that bad but it sure has a spooky authoritarian feel to it
That's what Communists do. They build lists. That way, when they commence the violent revolution, they know exactly who to round up.
Hahahaha! I think that we should make a fake blog that just has hilarious things to say about Obama, and constantly report it as if it's the most widely read Obama source on the face of the earth. And by we, I mean, someone else with time.
I like what it says after you taddle:

Thank you for reporting an attack
Donate to fight the attacks

The smears didn't end with the 2008 election.
President Obama's opponents are still using false claims against him and his record in an attempt to derail our momentum.
Donate to support our campaign and help us fight back with the facts.
And this is the guy we choose to represent us as our leader? I've met higher quality 3rd graders. Are we dipshits or what?
Asking the cyber-savvy to make lists alone is enough to derail whatever momentum the Obama administration thinks it has right now.

And is it my imagination or was some text removed from the site since the first time I saw it this afternoon (linked from DrudgeReport)?
Nah, Barack's no commie.

He's a Chicago pol, baby. Those boys politic hard.

Should be a fun campaign to watch.
Who noticed Watch in AttackWatch was written in white?

Goddamn racist bastard.
it's not really that bad but it sure has a spooky authoritarian feel to it

Do I get Obama money for filling this form out? Form looks pretty boring. Not even a free smiley download for reporting someone? Going to have to do better than that Obama!

Whoa just went to the main page! Do you have any idea how scary people look when you greyscale their pics and add a slashed line texture over it? Holy cow.. I am swayed!
Anyone else read the arguments on that site?

For instance:
Rick Perry’s massive jobs lie
Source: www.politifact.com

At the most recent GOP debate, Rick Perry said President Obama “had $800 billion worth of stimulus” and “created zero jobs.”

“We say pants on fire,” reports Politifact.com. The site refers to four independent analyses by the Congressional Budget Office and three private assessments of the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act to determine that anywhere between 1.3 million and 3.6 million jobs were created or saved by the stimulus—“but certainly more than zero.”

Is that the argument they expect people to fire back? What don't they understand about *net jobs created*. You could create 1 billion jobs, but if your policies killed 2 billion jobs, you are still at a loss of 1 billion jobs.

I can't charge $ 10,000.00 on my credit card, pay back $ 5.00 and say my balance is + $ 5.00. Can I? Just trying to make sure math still works.