Why I Don't Vote

Read Henry Hazlitt's Economics in One lesson... In fact, you can even watch it, all chapters of it are on youtube now:

Economics In One Lesson, Chapter 1: The Lesson - YouTube

Then read the Law: Bastiat's The Llaw

After that there are tons of resources to continue your unavoidable knowledge binge on Mises.org. Enjoy!

That's beautiful, thanks.

There is no such thing as Utopia and never will be. Human nature cancels it out without fail.

But I wouldn't have much of a problem designing a free market solution to society if only free-minded folks could escape government. No good way of doing that yet; but I suspect it will be had through technology in the coming decades how that the internet is here.

I was citing russell with the 5 minute thing when the guy was pushing him for an ultimate answer to the shit he was pointing out.

I think we all should vote and use our right and 1 vote can make a difference.

Of course a single vote could make a difference from a mathematical standpoint, but what you're missing is the fact that you're not making much of a difference generally regardless of whether the side you voted for ends up winning/losing. For the most part it's simply a large circle of bullshit.

thats changed because the german leadership bitch somehow acquired a ph.d. in physics. she knows.


leveraging my knowledge of economics and entrepreneurship, I then decided to abandon without care what you take so much pride in so that I could do what you wish you could do, which is work from home full time on the internets, dicking off on forums whenever I feel, and trolling potatoes on wickedfire.

This. So much this.
wayn3, I tried to google "dE = 0 and dS > 0 explains it all", but couldn't find anything, does this have a name? Link plz.
wayn3, I tried to google "dE = 0 and dS > 0 explains it all", but couldn't find anything, does this have a name? Link plz.

dE is the rate of change of energy. you need to google conservation of energy or something along those lines to get an explanation in non science terms.

S is the entropy. dS > 0 actually is dS >= 0 and means that the entropy is always not shrinking. google entropy (physics). entrophy (information theory) is interesting as well.

if you want an explanation on how these things describe economics, you wont find that. google doesnt index papers. i can probably point out a couple but youll need a live university account to access those.
Wow that guy (Russell) is interesting. The Msnbc interview is particularly crazy. He is openly insulting them on their own set.

Watch from 7:45. Look at Mika's reaction. Then he quickly changes the topic with a crazy sexual joke.

In the interview with the guy where he is talking about his grandmother is pretty crazy as well.
I dont vote because I dont educate myself enough about the candidates, then again im sure that accounts for 80% of voters anyways.
I dont vote because I dont educate myself enough about the candidates, then again im sure that accounts for 80% of voters anyways.

By the time any politician has amassed the necessary funds to reach voters on a mass scale, he is already indebted to the people that paid to get him there. He has no interest in the interests of the people, but rather serving those he is indebted to.

Brand used his celebrity and annoying energy (btw, I'm 100% jealous of this guy) to marry Katy Perry, bang her a few months, and announce divorce via text message a few months later - netting himself a cool $50 million.

Wha? $50 million? Source? Just curious.

...and I've held government clearances very few will dream of

I'm not sure how you meant that but I definitely am not one of the very few that would ever dream about that.

You can ignore the social revolution bit I don't think that's the main point. He admittedly doesn't have the solution.

Nor should he. I think it is a pretty wild and dangerous fantasy that any one person or group of people can be relied upon to solve vastly complex social and economic problems.

To quote Bad Religion:

"Don't tell me about the answer cause then another one will come along soon. I don't believe you have the answer. I've got ideas, too. But if you got enough naivety, and you got conviction, then the answer is perfect for you."

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2a3q0nIsoM]Bad Religion-The Answer - YouTube[/ame]
By the time any politician has amassed the necessary funds to reach voters on a mass scale, he is already indebted to the people that paid to get him there. He has no interest in the interests of the people, but rather serving those he is indebted to.

I was raised to always vote and be an engaged citizen. I am sad to agree with your statement, and I'm more apathetic than ever. I don't think citizens' voices resonate with politicians anymore. They're like pigs at the trough when corporation and the other moneybags loosen the purse strings.