Why I Don't Vote


New member
Jul 17, 2013
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGxFJ5nL9gg"]Russell Brand vs. Jeremy Paxman on Newsnight 2013 [Full Interview] - YouTube[/ame]

He's no dummy.


Watch how he controls the conversation there... leaving soaked panties in his wake.

How do I embed vids? If anyone likes it, embed it. I think it's worth a watch if you're amused by social dynamics.

You get rid of the s in https

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZCEVd1r-bU"]Russell Brand on MSNBC Morning Joe HD - YouTube[/ame]
Yikes, another socialist who wants to use the threat of force to give my money to people who don't want to work.

I thought Brand was better than this, but by repeating himself continuously and failing to answer legitimate questions from Paxman, he reveals himself as something even worse than a politician, that is, a wannabe.

Those who can't, opine on newsnight?
Yikes, another socialist who wants to use the threat of force to give my money to people who don't want to work.

I thought Brand was better than this, but by repeating himself continuously and failing to answer legitimate questions from Paxman, he reveals himself as something even worse than a politician, that is, a wannabe.

Those who can't, opine on newsnight?
Brand used his celebrity and annoying energy (btw, I'm 100% jealous of this guy) to marry Katy Perry, bang her a few months, and announce divorce via text message a few months later - netting himself a cool $50 million.

All I'm interested in hearing from him involves relationship wisdom, for he is a learned guru. Otherwise he can STFU.
Brand used his celebrity and annoying energy (btw, I'm 100% jealous of this guy) to marry Katy Perry, bang her a few months, and announce divorce via text message a few months later - netting himself a cool $50 million.

All I'm interested in hearing from him involves relationship wisdom, for he is a learned guru. Otherwise he can STFU.

Watch that msnbc vid above. They thought he was going to come on and be their clown, since he's a comedian and they're elite journalists. I don't want to be the douchebag to break it down, but he absolutely uses identifiable techniques. I get the feeling he's a natural at it, but I also get the feeling he understands the underlying issues... much like the best salespeople I know. They're naturals who also understand the how and why of what they do to close sales.

I don't aspire to be Brand or anyone else, but I do like watching social dynamics when people are really good.
Yikes, another socialist who wants to use the threat of force to give my money to people who don't want to work.

When your movement is a tiny, tiny minority, you sadly don't have the option to be exclusive.

The extreme left seriously don't understand the economic drivers behind the evil that they very much see and understand. They would be far easier to educate than the mainstream left or right that have incentives to not understand.

I say let the fucking place burn, what comes next comes next.
Watch that msnbc vid above. They thought he was going to come on and be their clown, since he's a comedian and they're elite journalists. I don't want to be the douchebag to break it down, but he absolutely uses identifiable techniques. I get the feeling he's a natural at it, but I also get the feeling he understands the underlying issues... much like the best salespeople I know. They're naturals who also understand the how and why of what they do to close sales.

I don't aspire to be Brand or anyone else, but I do like watching social dynamics when people are really good.

Give us a few examples of these social dynamics he uses.
I'd like to see how he likes living in a socialist society when the ones in charge come and take half of all he's got. Although I agree on everything as far as environmental issues and massive inequalities all around. Conscious capitalism ftw.
I like the dude's passion. He's definitely a provocateur of sorts. I also agree with him on voting.

Not down with his massively socialist civilian bailout plan, though.

On a side note, I need to study economics further.
At least he sees the problem for what it is... He's said elsewhere that he isn't against libertarian ideas as long as they are egaltarian too... Brand is one course at Mises short of being an awesome ally to freedom. How do we convert this lost soul?
He's concisely pointing out what's wrong in our countries..

You can ignore the social revolution bit I don't think that's the main point. He admittedly doesn't have the solution.

I thought Brand was better than this, but by repeating himself continuously and failing to answer legitimate questions from Paxman

Where does he fail to answer a question?