Why don't networks (or high profile affiliates) transparently launch their own offers

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Advertisers maintain a low profile because what they're doing is straight up shady and borderline-fraudulent.

They're targets for lawyers, FTC, attorney generals, and all that fun stuff that comes along with the advertising industry. They also don't want to deal with affiliates, thats why they bring it straight to networks - so they can do the dirty work of handling affiliates, compliance, and distribution.

good explanation

A lot of Top Affiliates are also advertisers, these affiliates have low profile and usually dont blog or make statements. They are also not on forums etc either.
PrimaryAds has their own proprietary Acai and other offers. For the Acai offer called 'Exact Acai'. PrimaryAds is not only the advertiser, but they are the distributor. They actually bought the bottles and fulfill the orders. It's actually one of the few Acai offers that are completely compliant with the FTC. The payout is higher than most too.
Becoming an Advertiser is a lot more than slapping together a few pages, getting some product and CC processing and starting to drive traffic. The barrier to entry is much higher than most people think. I know a couple of affiliates who have started their own deals and it has taken a lot of work to get started. All that work, and still no guarantee that they'll make money.

Some networks will have their "exclusives", but they're usually rebrands from people like me. You likely don't see more networks making their own end-to-end offers because a general rule to success is sticking to what you're good at. We're all a bit lazy and trying something new has a pretty steep learning curve.

There are lots of Advertisers on these boards. I don't know why more of us don't participate a bit more. Perhaps it's as tacoX said, most of the offers you see out there are fly-by-night folks.
There are thousands of seperate offers out there and an equal number of advertisers. While it would be nice to communicate with them you're never going to get all of them to join here, purely because that's not their business. Why should they join this forum and communicate with affiliates when everything can be so easily run through networks?

Bingo. Tho I'd say what happens a lot of times in people's heads is, they start off as affiliates, and if they get to super affiliate status, they realize they could have affiliates under them, and they start having dreams of running a network and reaping on the margin of hundreds if not thousands of affiliates. Then they succeed at being a network, they realize they can earn even more if they ran their own offers. Not quite sure what goes on above that...
"A jack of all trades. A Master of None" Focus, focus, focus, Do one thing Great not 3 things Good.
You are basically talking about vertical integration. And, as has been pointed out, its just a question of skill set and willingness.

Could a network create its own offers from what it sees that is hot? Sure. Many already do. Would they scream it from the mountain tops? probably not. Why? Well they want to continue to get access to good advertisers. If a network simply knocked off every good product that came to them and advertisers where aware of that, how many new products do you think the network would see? My guess is not many.

As a marketer, ask yourself a similar question. If you are making money at say SEO, why are you not baking also as an emailer, PPCer, media buyer, direct mailer, radio guy, television advertiser? Eac of those is a valid channel for revenue and sales. And, long term you may get into all of them. Its just not going to happen immediately though. Each would take a commitment of resources and time.

Same with vertical intergration of the networks both up the chain (to their own offers) and down the chain (to running advertisment themselves). It is already happening - just not with all networks.
Why therefore, don't the networks or top affiliates themselves launch their own similar offers?

i don't get. Will someone please explain...?

Dude, Networks run TONS of their own offers. They run email/zip/lead gen, pay you $5 for the lead and then sell them for $20-30 a pop multiple times. That's the lead gen business and almost all big CPA networks run their own offers.

Next time you run one of those insurance, dating, loan offers, check to see who owns the page.

Check COPEAC's offers. Intermark is running a bunch of them. the Spicy or Sweet dating lead was one.
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