Why doesn't Facebook just start a content network?


New member
Jan 7, 2007
Facebook ads are undeniably valuable because of their extremely specific behavioral and demographic targeting. Why are they limiting themselves by only putting these ads ON facebook.com? They already control a lot of non-facebook real estate (see: like button) so it doesn't seem like it would be that much of a stretch to offer the ability to put ads on your website as well.

So why don't they just start a content network similar to Google's, but based on the viewer's social graph data instead of the content on the page? They would fucking kill it with this and it seems like a no brainer.

Someone there MUST be working on this right? I wonder if they're waiting to make this move until after their IPO...

^ lol exactly. They do have a wider scope than just putting ads on facebook.com, you're the scope. That app on your site? You're being bought/sold and are working for them, not the other way around, you just don't know it yet
Facebook ads are undeniably valuable because of their extremely specific behavioral and demographic targeting. Why are they limiting themselves by only putting these ads ON facebook.com? They already control a lot of non-facebook real estate (see: like button) so it doesn't seem like it would be that much of a stretch to offer the ability to put ads on your website as well.

So why don't they just start a content network similar to Google's, but based on the viewer's social graph data instead of the content on the page? They would fucking kill it with this and it seems like a no brainer.

Someone there MUST be working on this right? I wonder if they're waiting to make this move until after their IPO...

umm wut, they already do manG.
That's not an ad network. I'm talking about a facebook run advertising network that is based on all of that data, with ads that you can place on your website and get paid as a publisher.
Their strategy is to get the internets to move onto facebook so they can control the whole experience and have no competition, rather than move facebook onto the internets, where they'll get their ass whupped.
Their strategy is to get the internets to move onto facebook so they can control the whole experience and have no competition, rather than move facebook onto the internets, where they'll get their ass whupped.

Fucking brilliant
There was a big thread on here about a year ago discussing that very thing (search for "mark zuckerberg 60 Minutes interview"). Seemed like a no-brainer at the time but I think JCash is 100% right. However, with them going public, the shareholder pressure to increase revenue might force their hand to roll out a content network.
Ding Ding Ding Ding

Facebook will be doing this

along with

Mobile Advertising

Those 2 things will make facebook worth ALOT of cash and anyone who doesn't get in on the IPO is a hater for lack of better terms

*disclaimer - I know shit about investing so fuck off
There was a big thread on here about a year ago discussing that very thing (search for "mark zuckerberg 60 Minutes interview"). Seemed like a no-brainer at the time but I think JCash is 100% right. However, with them going public, the shareholder pressure to increase revenue might force their hand to roll out a content network.

Their route to a content network was adding ad units to the social widgets, the poor quality, terrible site owner control, and privacy policy gaffes burned their goodwill for social widgets everywhere worth being, they backed off from the widgets and put development effort into making pages not suck and refactoring their APIs to build an application framework and platform that in theory lots of your customer base already uses.
Put yourself in the shoes of facebook and it's investors, right out of the gate the market cap is supposed to be $90 billion and they know that most of that valuation is built up on hype. Whatever things they do now to add revenue isn't going to jack up that valuation much further. But if they sit around for a few months after going public then announce their ad network, that would be pretty big news and they can easily claim that they will now get 500% more exposure on their ads which will send stock prices up and make everyone just a little bit richer.
Their strategy is to get the internets to move onto facebook so they can control the whole experience and have no competition, rather than move facebook onto the internets, where they'll get their ass whupped.
This is only true in a sense, If this was 100% the case then facebook would not allow you to do shit outside of facebook.

The open graph and developers tools are made to be utilized outside of facebook and always have been.

If facebook opens up something Adsense like, I know it will rival google and give them a run for their money.

Have you even looked at the developer tools lately. The new open graph give facebook even more data to complile on you.
They care about user data, not content. people dont search for content in Facebook, just for other human beings.
They care about user data, not content. people dont search for content in Facebook, just for other human beings.

They probably have the most valuable targeting data out of anyone in the world (besides maybe Google). It would be silly for them not to leverage all of that data into an ad platform.
There was a big thread on here about a year ago discussing that very thing (search for "mark zuckerberg 60 Minutes interview"). Seemed like a no-brainer at the time but I think JCash is 100% right. However, with them going public, the shareholder pressure to increase revenue might force their hand to roll out a content network.

I remember that discussion and you pointing out that they're likely waiting and developing to roll out a monster when the time's right. The potential is megahuge if they do it right.

I still don't see enough open graph stuff across the web to think that they can just wait for the internet to congeal into facebook though. Advertisers would come running and webmasters would jump if they launched a full blown self serve content platform. Especially if they paid well at first like adcents did.

The kind of data at their disposal would make for an interesting content network with targeting etc.

They probably have the most valuable targeting data out of anyone in the world (besides maybe Google). It would be silly for them not to leverage all of that data into an ad platform.

...especially since they are in the business of selling ads. I think they have been waiting until after they become an officially public-traded company to roll out, because what do you think that will do for their stock? Seems like a strategic decision to me and when it finally rolls out it's gonna be dope. as. fuck. Cheers to that mothafuckkkaaas!

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What would be incredible would be a public search platform for their ad network...and that would just literally destroy any notion of privacy at alllllll.

But screw 'em facebookers, putting their phone numbers and addresses and making everything public and allowing their profile to be indexed in Google

We'll be nice and only use their identities to make us money

...especially since they are in the business of selling ads. I think they have been waiting until after they become an officially public-traded company to roll out, because what do you think that will do for their stock? Seems like a strategic decision to me and when it finally rolls out it's gonna be dope. as. fuck. Cheers to that mothafuckkkaaas!


You are the fucking man.