Why do you guys promote this crap, ringtones, penis enlargement, porn

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I think the OP is just pissed off because he spent hundreds on penis enlargement products but still has a baby dick.

You don't have to throw out your morals, you can market what you deem "ethical".

Now, as you have stated, people BUY what they think will make their lives better.
A lot of this "value" is really just perceived value, driven by many factors, marketing being one.

As in do you really need a BMW or Porsche? One car will probably add as much "getting around" value as another. The perceived values, such as status, luxury, etc are what drives those sales.

As for "marketing to 13 year old kids"... I am sorry, but as a marketer who sells goods over the internet I have NO way of knowing how old someone is.
The only measurement I have is that this person has a credit card.
Someone pays with a CC? He / she is 18, period.

Please do NOT alleviate the parents of their responsibilities.

And no, I do not market ringtones in any form.

To wrap this up:
If you do not feel comfortable marketing product X, then don't.



If you don't like ringtones, perhaps you'd rather have second prize: a set of steak knives.

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My bank account says a BIG THANK YOU to penis enlargement products

so fuck you O.P...:D
"if their stupid enough to buy it, I'll continue to mark it to them"

Most hilarious way to spell market. Evar.

Then marketer would be spelled mark iter.
After coming on the site, asking a few questions why I've had little success with AM, someone suggested I read a few persuasive writing books.

While reading threw those I picked up a few other books, one being the psychology of selling.

It said the basic reason why people buy something is that it improves their quality of life, or fills a void.

I don't know what bothers me about that, but when I see people marketing
  1. Ringtones:
  2. penis enlargement
  3. porn
  4. get rich quick, mlm or ebooks, or some sort of package with dvds
1. I get so mad when I see this, because the people signing up for ringtones are most likely 13 year old kids that use their parents CC, or just bill it to the phone.
I don't want to hear shit about this being the parents being stupid or bad parenting, you are marketing to kids!!! This doesn't improve their quality of life, this makes it a pain to deal with canceling the service, punishing the kids and dealing with the bills.

2. Penis Enlargement: How stupid does someone have to be to buy this. Well someone stupid enough to land on your landing page. This shit doesn't work.
"if their stupid enough to buy it, I'll continue to mark it to them" Really? Do you have any morals?

I don't think I have to continue, but really do you throw all your morals and ethics out the window to make a few bucks? Lets be realistic you don't make that much, after you consider all the time you put in, the money spent on testing keywords for google, msn, yahoo, constantly updating your landing page.

I guess it's not your fault the world is just a fucked up place, and anyway a person can make a buck, they'll take advantage of it.


I can guarantee you that if you were making thousands a day off of ringtones, diet pills, whatever, you wouldn't have a problem with it. You're using your so called "ethics" to justify why you can't make money off of affiliate marketing.

My friend makes over 100k a year. I know this because I see the way he spends money. The car he drives, and everything, and he's only 20.

From your first post, your jealousy has been so obvious.
Why the hell do you bitch about ringtones and penis enlargement pills when you admit to ripping off affiliate networks by cookie stuffing...
you just have to know php and use another site. i did it for ebay 4000 page views $18.55 then they changed the link and everything got fuxored up

and also spamming...
I'm sending out mass text messages now. Illegal? Yes

Cost of being fed up trying to get bt to work $550
This coming from someone who was looking into going into the porn business as an actor.
Regarding penis enlargement..This is why;

Google Insights for Search

And what's with all you idiots that believe a pill will instantly make your dick bigger in Maryland and Massachusetts.

Sad but apparently you guys have money to piss away.
Lets be realistic you don't make that much, after you consider all the time you put in, the money spent on testing keywords for google, msn, yahoo, constantly updating your landing page.

uncle sam seems to think otherwise, if you wouldn't mind oh so 'persuasively' writing him and asking him to take me out of the 35% tax bracket I'd be much obliged.
Regarding penis enlargement..This is why;

Google Insights for Search

And what's with all you idiots that believe a pill will instantly make your dick bigger in Maryland and Massachusetts.

Sad but apparently you guys have money to piss away.

Yes and half that money is in my lil 'ol bank account buahahahahah

p.s hey no ones being ripped of here there are clearly 30-60 day money back guarantees

but these fuckers are to lazy to go to the post office to send the shit back:D
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To each their own. I personally don't like to promote crap like that, but who am I to judge how others want to make their money. As long as it's legal, more power to them.
Even if you're selling the most "un-immoral" and most ethnical products on Earth, everything still lies upon the buyer/customer.

Even if you're selling, say, 1,000 rosaries for $1.00, how would you know that your buyer won't use it for "immoral" and "unethical" things?

As long as you're promoting something that's legal, within the bounds of law, acceptable by many and as long as you provide the product and service, then you're fine.

If you tend to think of morals and ethics too much, you won't go far. Sad but it's fact.
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