Why do you guys promote this crap, ringtones, penis enlargement, porn

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New member
Jul 8, 2008
After coming on the site, asking a few questions why I've had little success with AM, someone suggested I read a few persuasive writing books.

While reading threw those I picked up a few other books, one being the psychology of selling.

It said the basic reason why people buy something is that it improves their quality of life, or fills a void.

I don't know what bothers me about that, but when I see people marketing
  1. Ringtones:
  2. penis enlargement
  3. porn
  4. get rich quick, mlm or ebooks, or some sort of package with dvds

1. I get so mad when I see this, because the people signing up for ringtones are most likely 13 year old kids that use their parents CC, or just bill it to the phone.
I don't want to hear shit about this being the parents being stupid or bad parenting, you are marketing to kids!!! This doesn't improve their quality of life, this makes it a pain to deal with canceling the service, punishing the kids and dealing with the bills.

2. Penis Enlargement: How stupid does someone have to be to buy this. Well someone stupid enough to land on your landing page. This shit doesn't work.
"if their stupid enough to buy it, I'll continue to mark it to them" Really? Do you have any morals?

I don't think I have to continue, but really do you throw all your morals and ethics out the window to make a few bucks? Lets be realistic you don't make that much, after you consider all the time you put in, the money spent on testing keywords for google, msn, yahoo, constantly updating your landing page.

I guess it's not your fault the world is just a fucked up place, and anyway a person can make a buck, they'll take advantage of it.


You don't have to throw out your morals, you can market what you deem "ethical".

Now, as you have stated, people BUY what they think will make their lives better.
A lot of this "value" is really just perceived value, driven by many factors, marketing being one.

As in do you really need a BMW or Porsche? One car will probably add as much "getting around" value as another. The perceived values, such as status, luxury, etc are what drives those sales.

As for "marketing to 13 year old kids"... I am sorry, but as a marketer who sells goods over the internet I have NO way of knowing how old someone is.
The only measurement I have is that this person has a credit card.
Someone pays with a CC? He / she is 18, period.

Please do NOT alleviate the parents of their responsibilities.

And no, I do not market ringtones in any form.

To wrap this up:
If you do not feel comfortable marketing product X, then don't.


Lets be realistic you don't make that much, after you consider all the time you put in, the money spent on testing keywords for google, msn, yahoo, constantly updating your landing page.

Spoken like a true failure.

If you think there's no money to be made, then you will never make any. That's the wrong attitude to have.

And like Emp said, if you have problems promoting a certain product, just don't promote it.

Personally, I don't give a rat's ass as long as something converts.

Dig deeper.
I know there is money in this type of world, but I'm not stupid, and I can tell based on people's knowledge when they post, they're not making what they claim to make. A lot of people on here are the same age as me and internet dorks. We all think we know everything and make a ton of money, when I believe the model of 80/20 and then the top 4%. Everyone on this site can't be at the top 20% or 4%.

That is all I meant when I said that.
After coming on the site, asking a few questions why I've had little success with AM, someone suggested I read a few persuasive writing books.

While reading threw those I picked up a few other books, one being the psychology of selling.

It said the basic reason why people buy something is that it improves their quality of life, or fills a void.

I don't know what bothers me about that, but when I see people marketing
  1. Ringtones:
  2. penis enlargement
  3. porn
  4. get rich quick, mlm or ebooks, or some sort of package with dvds
1. I get so mad when I see this, because the people signing up for ringtones are most likely 13 year old kids that use their parents CC, or just bill it to the phone.
I don't want to hear shit about this being the parents being stupid or bad parenting, you are marketing to kids!!! This doesn't improve their quality of life, this makes it a pain to deal with canceling the service, punishing the kids and dealing with the bills.

2. Penis Enlargement: How stupid does someone have to be to buy this. Well someone stupid enough to land on your landing page. This shit doesn't work.
"if their stupid enough to buy it, I'll continue to mark it to them" Really? Do you have any morals?

I don't think I have to continue, but really do you throw all your morals and ethics out the window to make a few bucks? Lets be realistic you don't make that much, after you consider all the time you put in, the money spent on testing keywords for google, msn, yahoo, constantly updating your landing page.

I guess it's not your fault the world is just a fucked up place, and anyway a person can make a buck, they'll take advantage of it.

$200k/year is really not that much. I will have to start working on some serious niches and stop playing PS3 all the time.
After coming on the site, asking a few questions why I've had little success with AM, someone suggested I read a few persuasive writing books.

While reading threw those I picked up a few other books, one being the psychology of selling.

It said the basic reason why people buy something is that it improves their quality of life, or fills a void.

I don't know what bothers me about that, but when I see people marketing
  1. Ringtones:
  2. penis enlargement
  3. porn
  4. get rich quick, mlm or ebooks, or some sort of package with dvds
1. I get so mad when I see this, because the people signing up for ringtones are most likely 13 year old kids that use their parents CC, or just bill it to the phone.
I don't want to hear shit about this being the parents being stupid or bad parenting, you are marketing to kids!!! This doesn't improve their quality of life, this makes it a pain to deal with canceling the service, punishing the kids and dealing with the bills.
ok. Let's go over how often the price shows up for this(Assuming no whitelabel). You now have to have it on a carrier select page(big bold obvious letters), the number entry page(big bold obvious letters), and it shows up AGAIN in the text message sent to the phone.
It's not 13 year olds really first off, but second off, 13 year old kids know what they're doing, and know what the price is. If they continue, they're the kind of kid that would just lift a $20 bill from their mom's purse(and need to be dealt with by their parents and not me)
2. Penis Enlargement: How stupid does someone have to be to buy this. Well someone stupid enough to land on your landing page. This shit doesn't work.
"if their stupid enough to buy it, I'll continue to mark it to them" Really? Do you have any morals?
Eh. Most work, but the same way. Increased blood flow=erection. It happens. Now, genbucks has some shall we say "quality" issues. but it's not the same with all of them.

To cover the rest of your points:
1) Porn. I have no problem with it. Why should I or anyone else? The girls are 18+ and reached the decision on their own, how arrogant would you have to be to thing you can second guess this?

2) I have never and will never promote MLM or bizopp.
1. I don't promote anything you've mentioned, and I've started to make money.
2. Go look on Comission Junction, or even most of the aff networks. There are a lot of very mainstream products out there people make money promoting.
3. One of my best friends set his own aff site up from scratch and now makes enough to live off of it. He doesn't promote any of the things you're talking about.

In fact, you might find discussions of ringtones on here, but I have NEVER seen strategies on how to market to people under 18 for any product so far.

I've only seen one thread about porn and that mentioned that it wasn't so easy as one might think. Problem is, people are just giving the stuff away now. :)
I can say I have a lot of people in this forum on my network and quite a few of them make a good bundle of money. It's honestly not that hard. Just takes some work and practice. Don't sell yourself short by assuming things don't work just because you haven't made them yet. That really limits you. We're truly limited by what we believe is possible.

As far as all the crap you mentioned.... why do people sell it? I'll give you one guess. Yep you're right because theirs a lot of buyers. Lets think of all the crap that's sold but has been marketed to be something more valuable then it is. Coach purses, Mc Donalds..... and the list goes on.
Don't worry so much about what other people do. You'll live longer, you'll make more money. Who cares what they promote, work on your stuff, not theirs :)
Sounds like you're a little frustrated with your lack of success. Instead of bitching get to work.

And let's be realistic, lots of people on this forum make serious dough. Keep plugging away and asking questions and you'll be making some bucks in no time. You do not have to promote anything you don't want to. There are thousands of products you can make money with. You just have to find the right angle.
Funny, I actually sleep BETTER knowing that hundreds of women go to bed excited every night about their delicious incoming green tea, thanks to me.

Affiliate marketers vs. Burger King and McDonalds in the battle for America's sexy, thin future. :D
1. I get so mad when I see this, because the people signing up for ringtones are most likely 13 year old kids that use their parents CC, or just bill it to the phone.
I don't want to hear shit about this being the parents being stupid or bad parenting, you are marketing to kids!!! This doesn't improve their quality of life, this makes it a pain to deal with canceling the service, punishing the kids and dealing with the bills.
This one I have the biggest problem with. They are the ones who wanted the ringtones, that is why they bought them. It's not like your scamming them and not giving them the ringtones they thought they were going to get.

And as far as it being marketed to 13 year olds - I believe (from walking around the city, etc) more older teens and younger adults (16-22) are using ringtones other than default ones that come on the phones - and people these usually age have their own credit cards or debit cards and have their own jobs to pay for them. Don't assume it is the parents money.

Now gtfo while I go market some cigarettes to 10 year olds.
Who gives a fuck?

If you focus on what other people are marketing all you do is end up wasting time. Instead try to focus on how they market their shit and learn something.
it isnt crap. Just because you do not like the niches or you are so morally fucked doesnt mean it is crap.

Ringtones - A 13 yo should not have a fucking cell phone in the first place simple as that. If the parent buys them the phone then they should be responsible.

Penis Enlargement - 90% of any product or campaign sells a dream. Also most products do work for some people. If you hate this then you hate every as seen on tv commercial, Diet Pills, Dating sites and anything else that has a bunch of BS behind it

porn - Porn is the most searched, viewed, watched, read, looked at, whatever. People want it. That is why people do it. Hell the fucking word porn is searched more or just as much as google, myspace, facebook, twitter, dating, ringtones and any other search term you can think of. There is a lot of money in it. In todays world you dont even have to be into to porn to make money from it. There are over 3K people a day looking for midget porn. About 200 looking for puke sex. Porn is a vast market especially in todays online world.

4. MLM - I hate this shit but again people want it. They are looking for it. You sell them a dream. As anything only works for a few but it does work. If a person is dumb enough to fall for something without doing research then that is them. I do not promote this stuff but it is the main idea of any sales you have ever done. If you want to learn how to sell something check out what these people do.
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