Why do nerds usually get all the hot girls?


Nerds can either ball extremely hard or live in their mother's basement for eternity.

have you ever really wondered why it is that always the geeks and nerds really got the hot girls?

They don't. The high contrast in looks between the nerd and his girl just gives the girl a temporary perceived upgrade that makes other nerds like you think she's hot, but all by herself, she's not.
Because women don't want a guy that challenges them sometimes, they want someone they can rule. Nerds = passive personalities, low T levels, insecure because lack of social acceptance throughout life = Easy to rule and manipulate.

But when it comes to them having affairs, they aren't picking the nerds IMO. There's actually a scientific study out that talks about women on their period being attracted to guys with a certain hip to shoulder ratio(sign of alpha male).

Anyways good observation OP, it's definitely a prevalent phenomenon.
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Nonsense. The key to getting more ass than you care to deal with is not embracing your nerdiness, but to not sit around thinking about shit like this and instead just do whatever the hell you want.

I'm sick of PUA sites and what not. It's all fluff. It can all be summarized with: Don't Give a Fuck. Problem solved. Easy peasy. If you have to memorize a million tips & tricks and body language reading secrets and conversation openers and all that bull shit, you've already set yourself up for failure by investing so much time into it. Even if you succeed, how much work did it take to get there? Goddamn. Just be awesome. How hard is that?

Nonsense. The key to getting more ass than you care to deal with is not embracing your nerdiness, but to not sit around thinking about shit like this and instead just do whatever the hell you want.

I'm sick of PUA sites and what not. It's all fluff. It can all be summarized with: Don't Give a Fuck. Problem solved. Easy peasy. If you have to memorize a million tips & tricks and body language reading secrets and conversation openers and all that bull shit, you've already set yourself up for failure by investing so much time into it. Even if you succeed, how much work did it take to get there? Goddamn. Just be awesome. How hard is that?


I agree. Not giving a fuck = alpha
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By 2012 hot girls will be made obsolete by fleshlights that are better than real pussy.
IMO A real nerd is someone playing world of warcraft in their mothers basement and scared shit less to talk to hot women.

There are nerds... and then there are nerds with money. Very big difference and only one gets laid.

So why does it seem like nerds get hot chicks? Well most people with money usually tend to be a bit nerdy rather than some gangster looking thug lol Secondly, if you've made a lot of money chances are you've develop some "thick skin", which tends to lead to the "I don't give a fuck" attitude... which is I guess being an "alpha male" correct? lol
IMO A real nerd is someone playing world of warcraft in their mothers basement and scared shit less to talk to hot women.

There are nerds... and then there are nerds with money. Very big difference and only one gets laid.

I think people are confusing nerds with losers.

This guy gets laid (nerd):
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exmwSxv7XJI&embed=on"]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

This guy doesn't (loser):
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