Why did you get into affiliate marketing in the first place?

Portability first thing, the business in a box.

Makes teh monies while I sleep (or aspire to it).

While the rest of the country has been reeling from the recession, the downturn has barely touched this place.
I stumbled into it completely by accident a couple of years ago. I have no idea what the hell I was searching for at the time, but somehow I landed on GFY.com, started reading threads and thought to myself, "Sell porn? Damn, I can do this."

So I started promoting gay porn and was doing pretty well with Adwords at one point, then Google slapped the shit out of my campaigns. And I guess I just decided to try some mainstream stuff (wow gold LOL) and within a couple of weeks it became clear that making money pimping mainstream crap was about 10 times easier than making money pimping porn.

So I abandoned the porn racket. All I do now is renew those domains. They still make me a few hundred bucks a month from search traffic and revshare every month, but I don't work on them anymore. Though lately I've been thinking I should take a couple of days every month to put up some galleries or blogs because revshare is sweet money and it doesn't seem all that common in mainstream affiliate marketing.

When I started all this, I was still working a regular job. I ended up quitting for other reasons, but at some point decided that I'd just rather do this full time so that's what I do.
I made a website, tried to find ways of getting more visitors, stumbled into nickycakes and bluehatseo, and realised I already had the skills to do half of this stuff (the first website I made was a shitty web 2.0)
I wanted a job I could do anywhere in the world, and could pick up and take with me whenever I wanted. I started looking for anything that would match that lifestyle. IM is what I came up with.
It all started in 5th grade.

Runescape -> Hilarious First Website -> Runevillage.com -> PHP, after confusing it with "phpBB" -> Messing with phpBB forums -> Sitepoint [here I designed a few sites for a local web design competition where I won like $3k worth of shit in 6th grade] [also introduced to AM here with Jon's infamous thread and also Kieron's] -> Digitalpoint [adsense sites, proxie$$] -> Wickedfire -> AM
Cause im the BOSS, and beating my meat whenever i want is great, and im not wearing pants right now. i love AM
I was the lead web developer at a large medical directory, my job quickly evolved into launching PPC campaigns and managing SEO for the directory. In the process I developed a paid marketing management program that ended up being the company's largest profit center.

I left that job for a higher paying gig at a company that ran real estate education offers, and they quickly expanded to offer internet business offers. I spent a year there developing their website infrastructure. They grew was too fast and had trouble with paychecks bouncing, so I bounced as well. But I had learned a lot about the affiliate industry in the process.

Next job was for a group of companies, I was hired to develop the lead generation program for their call center services. The sister company ran grant & acai offers. The owner started a new company, for product based CPA's and I spent my time developing LP's & e-commerce sites for their various entities and managing PPC & CJ programs.

I left that gig and have just been freelancing, still trying to ramp up my own affiliate business. I spend too much time developing sites for others rather than myself. But, I've doubled my income and have the freedom I desire, so it's a step in the right direction at least.
Because I'm sick of making stickers. So. Fucking. Sick. Of. Making. Stickers.

Unfortunately, most of what I've learned about Internet Marketing has just led to more sticker making. Really need to dedicate some time to CPA shit. But the paypal account always has teh moniez in it.
My first (late) husband became disabled after being hit by a drunk driver. I needed something to let me both work and earn money but also be home to care for him. Back in 1998 a friend pointed me to the 'webmaster' links on porn sites and as he says 'the bitch ran with it'. It managed to let me stay looking after him until he died and now all these years later it is just what I do for a living.
I owned a large warez site (planetddl.com) when I was about 14 and decided to try and monetise it, ended up making about $200/day from ClickBank and decided to look into it more...