Why did I get this random 60 unique visitors?


New member
Aug 16, 2010
All from this IP:

Why has it randomly come to my site? I usually get 15-20/uniques a day but suddenly I got 60 right from the near start of the day.

Is it spam? Why is someone spamming me? What would they get out of it? What will it do to my site?


When the google search quality team sees a particularly crappy site, they share it with other SQT members and you get a flood of traffic from the same IP.
When the google search quality team sees a particularly crappy site, they share it with other SQT members and you get a flood of traffic from the same IP.

Thanks man.

But seriously, why? No spam on site, I have comment boxes but you have to put in a security code.

My site is high quality, all original content etc.
Is it detrimental to my site? If there's no spam on my site, should I still ban the IP or is it ok to just leave it?

It happened again today.
I have something similar on one of my sites. My server logs show dozens of referrals per day from "http://bit.ly/AdlAJ" ........wierd
Does anyone answer questions seriously here, do they just waste both their own and other peoples' time?
I'm not buying traffic and I don't know what softpopads is. But two days in a row?

Really confused. No spam whatsoever on site. Just want to make sure that this extra shitty traffic isn't doing any harm to my site in any way.