Who Reads Books In PDF form on their computer?

Do you read books in pdf?

  • Yes. I prefer pdfs

    Votes: 8 13.6%
  • No I like books

    Votes: 22 37.3%
  • I mix it up with both.

    Votes: 29 49.2%

  • Total voters
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Books for pleasure, I buy. Books for learning new tech, I often download and read through the PDFs or CHMs to look up specific things. Most tech books are really lousy and are comparable to just Googling, so I hesitate to waste money. I switch to a dark grey background (not black) with off-white light text. It's easier to read for me.

I have a Nokia 770 that I use for some portable book reading, but only when I want to read something I can't find in dead tree format.

If they ever come out with a decent netbook that converts to a tablet, I'll probably use that for reading. Kindle is too expensive and limited in usage for me right now.

Used to read on a long progression of different Palm Pilots using a (free) program called eReader.

This past Christmas I traded in the Palm for a iTouch and am still using the same eReader program with a lot more storage, battery life, and screen size.

Btw, there is a Kindle app for the iPhone/iTouch which allows you to buy and read all the Kindle content without having to buy a Kindle.

I can never make it through long reads on the computer. My ADD kicks in and I'm off checking stats, ect.

Thinking about getting the new Kindle DX.
office printer. then i have this binder that like cuts out a bunch of rectangular holes and i bind em together. it's kind of a pain in the ass but better than trying to read a massive book on screen.

I took your previous post in this thread as a joke for some reason.
Haven't read much of a printed copy in a while. Actually started to listen to books on tape instead so I could listen while I walked to my day job.

I'm guessing these aren't technical e-books.
be bit messy with some dude reading out code to you while you try to comprehend it
tech related = pdf. things change so fast that often it isn't even worth printing it.

if you are going to read something timeless like plato's republic or william s burroughs, quit being cheap and buy the book.
I have one of my monitors flipped vertically in portrait mode, so I read documents on that monitor with my feet up, chillaxin all cool after shooting some bball outside of my school.

Otherwise I will print it at Staples double sided to save some paper and read it like that if my eyes are hurting and if it's a huge document.

I also just recently purchased a trained crow and am teaching it the English language so it can read to me while I am in the car.
damn. kinkos is charging $75 for 1008 pages. the actual book is $35 lol

makes me want to buy a kindle.
don't know if you know this but some local libraries allow you to download ebooks or pdfs online! I think that's pretty cool. I was actually looking for a book on amazon the other day and some how a link to a library in a city I used to live in popped up. so I investigated it and much to my surprise I was able to "rent" the book online. The cool thing is I'll bet if you've lived in several (esp. large) cities you can probably get stuff from many different places (if you kept your old library cards - libraries ftw, lol!)
Eww .... $350? Kiss my ass. Not buying that shit, LOL.

Maybe when it's like version 5 or something. Right now Kindle is shit.
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