Who has Psychic/Astrology offers


New member
Jul 3, 2010
I am looking for Psychic / Astrology offers most preferably lead gen or call offers. Straight mobile offers work too but what I am most looking for is the call offers after the one I was running went down. If you have one pm me or post it in the thread! Thanks



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Steven Wagenheim

barman thanks for the pro tip.

I would have just thrown these keywords in offerbuzz but I am really looking for someone who has it pay per call sine hollywood psychics went down. oh well.
I am looking for Psychic / Astrology offers most preferably lead gen or call offers. Straight mobile offers work too but what I am most looking for is the call offers after the one I was running went down. If you have one pm me or post it in the thread! Thanks

we have Tara Medium for multiple countries.
Also - if anyone has a connection with tara-medium tell those fuckers to fix their homepage to make it google compliant and i, among others, can potentially get our accounts back
I am sort of embarassed to admit that...er...this one guy told me that psychic access has pay per minute payments and does ok. Being an affiliate marketer, I am not sure why that knowldedge embarasses me...er I mean that other guy...but it does.
Let us know how that goes for ya :)

Yes, please do. It wouldn't surprise me if there had never been any sales for it, and it would be rather funny if all the sudden he started getting them. I'm sure he'd write a column or something about it.