Where to go in Costa Rica?


New member
Sep 17, 2010
Does anyone have recommendations on what spots to hit in Costa Rica? Im flying into San Jose and staying there for a night then heading west for the coast... Sights, beaches, restaurants, surf spots, music.. ??

Thanks - yea I Will definitely be on that .. We got any online marketers down there?? Affiliates ?? Loudmo ?
Personally, my favorite area is in the north at Tamarindo. The beaches are great, there's waves if you surf, and the little town of Tamarindo is very cool. tamarindo, costa rica - Google Maps It's about 3.5 hours from SJ to Tamarindo.

The nature preserve at Manuel Antonio is pretty awesome also. manuel antonio, costa rica - Google Maps

Those are two of my favorite spots from when I went down on a surf trip about 10 years ago. The less time you spend in San Jose the better. Get over to the coast and it's a much nicer environment.
Most likely going to stay just north of Jaco.. Here's the place:

Does anyone have recommendations on what spots to hit in Costa Rica? Im flying into San Jose and staying there for a night then heading west for the coast... Sights, beaches, restaurants, surf spots, music.. ??

As efeezy said, the north west coast of Costa Rica is really nice. I'd also recommend taking a tour or trip to "Tortugero" which is a jungle type of place, its on the north east i believe and it's really cool, lots of animals and that type of thing. Another place you may want to check out is "Arenal". It's an active volcano, and there are hot springs there and even a lake which is warm because of the volcano. Monteverde is a relaxing place, and they have some awesome ziplines there.. its a "cloud forest" if im not wrong, not really my kind of place but some people really like it.

There is also incredible diving, and fishing in CR. Just hit the west coast. You can also go on some awesome white water rafting trips. I used to live in CR, and have been all over the country. You really can't go wrong whatever direction you head in. Just be sure to stay away from that disease infested JACO BEACH. That place is nasty. Also, I know a lot of people want to checkout the caribbean, but I wouldn't recommend it.. aside from the possibility of getting robbed + stabbed, the beaches are dirty and very dangerous.
Herradura... But yes Brittany muy hermosa

Herradura is pretty cool. We surfed it and had to pay a few bucks for the boat ride out about 3/4 mile to the actual break. They dropped us off with our boards and said they'd be back in about 4 hours. Waves were a solid 8 foot and really nice. Basically a left point break that rolls all the way into the little bay.
Arenal/La Fortuna for the volcano and natural hot springs, Manuel Antonio for the beach, and Monteverde for the canopy tours. All are beautiful in their own way, and you can do the outdoor activities in any of these places, but the travel to Monteverde from Arenal gives you a pretty cool perspective of the culture.

Jaco is dump and pretty scary at night. Beach is not cleaned up, and lots of drugs/prostitutes on the street.
Playa Hermosa has basically guaranteed surf. It's south of Jaco. Not for a total beginner though

Manuel Antonio is where I'd send my parents to get a nice experience away from "third world" kind of stuff. But F that if you don't need to be pampered...
what are you looking for? Girls? Nature? Party? Drugs?
All of the above?

Really just looking for legit places to rent a surfboard and surf
high quality herbal substances/adult bevs
some good spots for nightlife and dining
a solid national park with hiking/ziplines/waterfalls
and sexy ass woman that aren't hookers ..

or just this
