Whenever I Go to Warrior Forums

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New member
May 4, 2009
I feel like I have gone back to the 80s or 90s.

DO any of those people actually make money outside of the make money online niche? It's very ironic.......

Personally, I never would have checked the site out if it had not
been mentioned so much on here.
Maybe you find it ironic because it is more mature and people aren't insult everyone there. The standards are higher - all you have to do is ask a question on there.
First of all Bambi Boo - fuck you.

Secondly, you can get a stupid question answered there unlike here but you also get stupid people giving you stupid answers. Honestly, if anyone has been in affiliate marketing (actually run a campaign) and has an ounce of sense then WFire is the place to be hands down. For people that want sheep to baaaahhh at them and pretend they are "gurus" then please feel free to delete your account here and take your pick of other forums.

The only thing I have ever gotten out of DP or Warriors is the guy that cuts my grass. And he is good too! (at cutting my grass).

Personally, I never would have checked the site out if it had not
been mentioned so much on here.
Maybe you find it ironic because it is more mature and people aren't insult everyone there. The standards are higher - all you have to do is ask a question on there.
bambi boo, just curious, how does posting a question with 10 or more peeps writing a 1000+words essay each and may or may not answer your question actually helps you? its take some serious time to go tru the junks as if they are writing a long pitching sales letter
Personally, I never would have checked the site out if it had not
been mentioned so much on here.
Maybe you find it ironic because it is more mature and people aren't insult everyone there. The standards are higher - all you have to do is ask a question on there.
Haha. It's a cricle jerk.
All their "respected" members...I've checked out their sites. They're fucking horrible, and not as clean as they'd have you believe.
So yes, you can ask a question and get responses. But they're going to be the wrong responses. Bad information is easy to come by.

WarriorForum is for MLM failures.
You guys can say what you want... but Warrior Forum is My Favorite Fuckin Place on the Intrawebs.

For example, here was a post we had in discussion in the newbie section about this brilliant fuckin idea, Steve Wags came up with.

As for WF, Fuck You Guys.


Me and my warrior posse are Out Bitches!
OK - this has been informative. I want straight answers and I am not a troll.
The authenticity of a site is what I value. I have heard very good things about Wicked Fire's knowledge but I guess - honestly you are right it is me- I get bored sifting through the boys stuff to find the information for my site. There fore this site isn't user friendly.
If I had a penis- I would fit in.
I am checking out other forums so tell whats your opinion - where else is a good place to seek advice where you aren't bashed and insulted ?
Bambi: If you're serious, then the N00b section here is fine. People that dick roll or get abusive there are frowned on. Just because we're jerks doesn't mean we're not going to help people.
It's a case of stupid is as stupid does, and we like to play along with that.

Now, getting back to WaFo issues... You know my thread "Raping Twitter"?
One of my accounts targets ONLY people tweeting with "Warriorforum" or "warrior forum". This account is 100% automated. It does nothing but follow people, and post from RSS feeds and advertising. It has more followers than any other account, with the highest follow:refollow ratio, as well as the highest CTR on my paid adverts.
To me, that says something about people being pretty damn ignorant.

For those wondering why I haven't written that report yet, I'm still working on it. I'm trying to make it WF quality, not WaFo waffle... I'm not going to release it till I'm happy with it. Sorry, academia has made me anal about these things
If I had a penis- I would fit in.

You could be like John Holmes and never fit in. You can't type for crap, you whine, you want everything handed to you, and you continuously post about how you hate it here, and get mad when you're attacked for it.

A + B + C + D = GTFO
How sincere am I suppose to take anyone on here? I appreciate it and will look into this -


I'm on WaFo too. In fact, I just finished typing a response to someone there asking me how to avoid getting scammed or falling for stupid MMO schemes there, since he had purchased some of the usual snake oil shit in the WSO section.

Sorry, but yes Warrior Forum is very often quite the circle jerk of misinformation. While the ... um ... gentlemen here tend toward the coarser side, no one is trying to slipstream you into some MMO sales funnel scheme, MLM or other crap. Mostly we talk about marketing to other target markets.

Coarse? sure! Straightforward? yeah ... but therein lies the difference; it's a big difference too.
how sincere should we take someone named Bambi Boo?

just sayin' , it's not like you got a cool fake nose and mustache to fall back on

How sincere am I suppose to take anyone on here? I appreciate it and will look into this -
Warrior Forum is pretty much people teaching other how to make money online by selling stuff about how to make money online to people who want to make money online...and on and on it goes. About the only place worth anything is the copywriting forum.
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