When is it time to fart in front of my GF?

Day 1. If she can't learn to love the gas leave her.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArOGoSxIbFk]Love the gas - YouTube[/ame]
My general rule of thumb is once she has shat on my dick, it's ok for me to fart in her presence.

Nope. You should do it a week after getting your EWA payment.

or two months from a "test wire"
Right after full consideration of the answers to the 'How do you pronounce pewep?' poll but before your actual selection click. It's a narrow but effective window.
Make sure it's the type of fart where you have solid footing, yet feel the need to grab hold of something.
You can pull this off on the first date while having sex.

Here is the method: Make her cum fart, then quickly within seconds let one rip. Recently, in an unusual study this had been proven to build irresistible rapport between the two sex partners, only it was originally observed with two men. (Tomaszjot and I)
You can pull this off on the first date while having sex.

Here is the method: Make her cum fart, then quickly within seconds let one rip. Recently, in an unusual study this had been proven to build irresistible rapport between the two sex partners, only it was originally observed with two men. (Tomaszjot and I)

Confirmed. I gave Skohh a real gay ass farts. Unfortunately he gave me none. To not upset him too much I faked it with a real one and our relationship is strong as ever.
Never. If you do, she will think that at some point it will be okay for her to do the same.

Do you think James Bond farts in front of chicks?