When appraising a domain name


New member
Mar 23, 2012
If you were purchasing an existing domain name (which would usually cost more than registering a new domain name would), what factors would you consider when appraising it? Would you put more weight on the rank or the name value?

I personally would estimate the value based off of the name. SEO can be done to increase the rank and PR is always something that can increase or decrease. For all you know they control all of the backlinks to the domain currently and are inflating the rank. Once you buy it they remove the links and now your left with nothing but an empty wallet. The name of your domain will never change and therefore should be valued by that. IMHO
If you were purchasing an existing domain name (which would usually cost more than registering a new domain name would), what factors would you consider when appraising it? Would you put more weight on the rank or the name value?
Name of the Domain = If it can give you SE Rankings in long term. Double check for mispelled domains as most scammers are giving this out.
Traffic = Current Traffic of the site
Content = If the site is blank or not. If its blank then it should've a cheaper price
Backlinks = Check if it's penalized or not
Income Sources = If it lives from ads checks stats. For affiliates get scereenshots or proof that he is earning out of that site

There's more but that's what I can think of now..
There are many parameters of appraising a domain name, if you are using any software to appraise then they are always not true, it should have human appraisal for better understanding.

While appraising a domain name, these are the main factors:
