What's the hot offer right now?

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New member
Mar 21, 2007
Estados Unidos
I made good money doing tax stuff and then had to take some time off from Affiliate Marketing to work on other stuff. When I stopped, Blockbuster was just starting to go to shit.

Blockbuster is in the hole now and Dating is doing OK. I need to make some extra ppc --> affiliate money on the side while I work on bigger projects.

I will test, of course, but what niche/offer is everyone focusing on right now?

My AM at one network is no good and the other one never responds. I've asked higher ups to have both of them replaced on more than one occasion (after i started making decent money) and rather than replacing them, they would have them call me to apologize.

And I know the whole "do some shit that nobody else is doing" speech, but certain offers and groups of offers become popular because they convert and I find it easier to come from a different angle and compete for traffic where there's conversions to be had, than to go searching for some hidden goldmine.

Don't get me wrong, I will test the shit out of a lot of offers, but I like to have some money coming in while I do that so I don't lose my ass.
(noones going to tell you whats hot around here. it attracts too much competition. like yourself.)
Yeah, no shit. I don't mean what your secret money maker is. I mean what's the hot fuckin ringtones/ blockbuster/ dating oversaturated offer/niche that everyone is promoting?

If I had a good AM between the 4 networks I'm apart of, I wouldn't have to ask you guys stupid questions.
Sign up for Copeac and talk to Danielle or Mike. Danielle is a great AM and even though Mike is the President of Copeac, he'll still take the time to help people out.
vagisil is doing a big nat'l advertising campaign... jump on the vag bandwagon!
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