What's so bad about Warrior Forum?

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New member
Mar 18, 2007
I see people here talk a lot of shit about the Warrior Forum
but doesn't say why.

So what's the deal?

That place isn't that bad.

I see people here talk a lot of shit about the Warrior Forum
but doesn't say why.

So what's the deal?

That place isn't that bad.

haha you had to ask this question as your first post hey.

Let me ask you, with the time you spend at Warrior Forums how many eBooks have they tried to sell you?, how many people claim to be super guru's?, how many bullshit stories are there?.

Once upon a time I took a cruise by there to check it out for myself because everyone was putting them down and in my little cruise I found a reason to dislike them, first there are too many people trying to sell you crap, I mean seriously so called marketers trying to scam other marketers, I then noticed that the majority of people claimed to be super guru's, I don't know about you but I thought so called super guru's would ask questions other then "how do I make money online".

Its just stupid shit over there that makes them GAY.
"I'm selling an ebook about how to make $1,738,221.84 in 3 months selling ebooks about selling ebooks, hurry up, limited time offer, supplies are limited"

that pretty much sums it up
haha....I see what you guys mean.

And yeah, it's my first post. I've just signed up recently and
trying to learn some stuff about affiliate marketing.
So I'm pretty much a lurker right now.

I didn't know about this forum when I was learning at Warrior Forum.
Now I'm glad I've found this place. It's more down to earth.

But not to forget, John Reese, Mike Filsaime and other big names
hang out at that Warrior Forum also.

Nice to meet you guys by the way!
haha....I see what you guys mean.

And yeah, it's my first post. I've just signed up recently and
trying to learn some stuff about affiliate marketing.
So I'm pretty much a lurker right now.

I didn't know about this forum when I was learning at Warrior Forum.
Now I'm glad I've found this place. It's more down to earth.

But not to forget, John Reese, Mike Filsaime and other big names
hang out at that Warrior Forum also.

Nice to meet you guys by the way!

You mean John Reese and Mike Filsaime the eBook fanatics, yeah I know who they are and big deal where they hang out with first off Mike sends out the worst emails known to man, I wish he would hire someone to write some better sales letters because there WAY too standard and they suck.

Second Mike loves his eBooks and don't tell me otherwise, I'm sure he is into all sorts of shit but he pushes his I'm an amazing person and with me we'll make thousands eBooks all over.

There are better ways to make money other then selling eBooks that all teach you the same thing over and over again, all for only $97 bucks but wait there is more if you order now through CLICK BANK you'll get this free 60 day money back gaurentee with $500 of additional products absolutely FREE (Just ignore my 600px wide website that looks exactly like the other 2 Million out there).

Man I thought info-commercials went out of style years ago, it seems like they brought them back in the form of text instead of in video.
Internet marketing is the only industry where a person can write a book on the subject and actually loose respect.
Internet marketing is the only industry where a person can write a book on the subject and actually loose respect.

Hey good point man.

How many books do you see that cost 50-100$ in print?
How much value do you think a print book would have to provide to cost that much money?

Most ebooks are complete re-written garbage that adds no value to the reader (unless they are new and don't understand what's going on).

Some ARE good, but it's usually the minority.
But not to forget, John Reese, Mike Filsaime and other big names hang out at that Warrior Forum also.

Nice to meet you guys by the way!

who is that? have they posted something valuable here?

aaron wall is a big name. jon and shoemoney are big names. lee dodd is a big name (although some here pick at him ll the time ;)). matt cutts is a big name. then there are guys on here like on-on, kieron and diorex who really can tell a stroy or two about the life of a super affiliate.

so, go fuck yourself with warrior forum big names that are just adept at rewriting adwords learning center and selling the pity results to their incestuous mailing lists.

"incestuous marketing", that would actually a pretty nice new term for a new hype on wf.
Writing an ebook OTHER THAN internet marketing has found success. Particularly in weight loss and other popular markets.

The problem is the time it takes (or the cost to hire it) isn't worth it. There are products in these same categories that pay better (or way more popular and sells way more quantity) than a $27-$47 info product AND you have far less customer support (I call it, listening to customers bitching at you) to deal with. I'm not talking about selling other ebooks in this market either...... other real products.

Therefore, the foundation of WF is like a pyramid scheme. Some have found success writing ebooks for niche markets so they find it necessary to explain how they did it (which they learned from another 50 ebooks). As they sell more ebooks to the lower pyramid, they write more internet marketing ebooks about the same shit all over again and promote other internet marketing ebooks that have the same shit as their own ebook. They lose all interest in their niche marketing info products and decide to only use their 1-5 niche info product websites as a marketing ploy that "shows you how" even though by the time you get this info, their niche market info product sales went to crap. Get the drift? They only share when there is no money left in that particular niche product. So when other people attempt to join the same niche market with their own products and unsurprisingly fail, we get to watch the fallout while the scumbag heads to the bank.

This is why I have come to enjoy this forum more and more. The founder, Jon, instead of writing another damn ebook about the same shit, decided to put together a forum to help others succeed, for free! He obviously brought some very knowledgeable people along with him here because some of their posts here are worth far more than a $97 ebook.

Personally, my dream is to become friends with these people on this forum. That's why my title is "Networking Whore." It won't happen anytime soon, but a guy can dream. These friendships are far more valuable than any $2997 personal seminar.
" aaron wall is a big name. jon and shoemoney are big names. lee dodd is a big name (although some here pick at him ll the time ;)). matt cutts is a big name. then there are guys on here like on-on, kieron and diorex who really can tell a stroy or two about the life of a super affiliate."

I only know Shoemoney lol. Kieron and Diorex are super affiliates?
I definitely need to learn from them.
Hey good point man.

How many books do you see that cost 50-100$ in print?
How much value do you think a print book would have to provide to cost that much money?

Most ebooks are complete re-written garbage that adds no value to the reader (unless they are new and don't understand what's going on).

Some ARE good, but it's usually the minority.

I agree with this statement I mean shit if you want to learn about fucking Adwords why go out and spend a bunch of money on an eBook that you know is worthless and if you don't know its worthless then you will soon or you'll be too dumb to do anything about it.

I've bought print books in the range of $50 to $120 bucks before and the value you gain from them is more then you'll ever learn with 2000 eBooks that are out there.

I'm not saying every print book is golden but I am saying by experince that Print Books hold WAY more valuable information then 99% of the eBooks floating around out there, I've never really bought a Print Book on affiliate marketing or Adwords but I've bought them in similar areas of business.

Deliguy also has a great point with an eBook your more likely to loose respect then gain any.

Ahh fuck it thats just my too cents for now.
In my discovery process, print books regarding INTERNET MARKETING are so outdated from the moment they get printed, they are useless to me. Just saying, open discussion forums are better for this shit. Period.
I actually like Warrior Forum, but for a different reason than you might think. I like to surf there and see what newbies are buying at the moment. IM newbies are good shoppers because they don't know shit and there's so much information so called gurus are saying they need to know. Warrior Forum is the biggest forum about internet marketing and it's a magnet for the newbies. Great shit going on.

I also find WSO area hilarious. "Ebay Secret That Noone Is Suppose To Know! Find Out How To Make a Killing Right Now! - Only $7!!"... WTF, you are suppose to give away ultimate ebay secret and you'll give it away for $7! What the fuck, $7, that's the deal of a life-time........
I agree with you micfire LOL.
I was actually a WSO addict for a time being when I knew nothing
and wanted to learn everything. I didn't know how to make money
online so I just went on a WSO spree and bought every offer about
how to make money online. And the sad thing is, I still haven't made
a single penny online yet.

Yes it was a waste of money BUT I did learn several things here and there.
Some people make a killing in the WSO section alone selling how to
make money reports to clueless noobs like I was. Thank god I got pass
that WSO addiction.

Now I gotta see what I can squeeze out of Wicked Fire.
jayt said:
I agree with you micfire LOL.
I was actually a WSO addict for a time being when I knew nothing
and wanted to learn everything. I didn't know how to make money
online so I just went on a WSO spree and bought every offer about
how to make money online. And the sad thing is, I still haven't made
a single penny online yet.

Yes it was a waste of money BUT I did learn several things here and there.
Some people make a killing in the WSO section alone selling how to
make money reports to clueless noobs like I was. Thank god I got pass
that WSO addiction.

Now I gotta see what I can squeeze out of Wicked Fire.
Go ahead and read all the threads in the following thread.

Why do you write in like big blocks? Like you press space at the end of a certain number of characters?
Why do you write in like big blocks? Like you press space at the end of a certain number of characters?
Someone learned about
proper formatting for
email newsletters and
felt it proper to use it
on a forum post as well.

It's a hard return after
x characters. My text
editor ultraedit does
Yeah all the people who spam the forum with ebook or microsite shit type like that
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