What's a good step up from shared hosting?

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I would go to a reseller account first. A VPS account can be somewhat hard to manage if you're used to a shared environment.

It depends on what VPS company you go with and whether or not it's managed.
V12Kid said:
VPS' are horrible, stay shared and get a reseller acct..dont ask me how I know :(
How can you say that? Which company were you with. That's a tremendous generalization.
A VPS account is still like a shared account since you share server resources. You do have a certain amount dedicated to you but the advantage of a VPS is really for those who are a bit tech savvy and want more control over their hosting. If you want to be able to reboot your system if you're having problems, add ssl certs, etc.. then a vps would be a good choice if you know how to do all that yourself.
I still think VPS is largely a waste of your (presumably) hard-earned money.
donn said:
I still think VPS is largely a waste of your (presumably) hard-earned money.

Why is that? If you can't afford a dedicated I think it's not a bad solution

VPS you have to have a greater knowledge of root level server operations (generally) than reseller.

At least with reseller accounts you get larger space and bandwidth, the ability to host multiple domain names and can have your own name servers if you want.

In my opinion the natural flow is:

Shared > Reseller > VPS > Dedicated
I think for a lot of publishers here who are probably going to make multiple sites they can probably go:

Reseller > Dedicated

The faster you settle on the type of plan you need long term, the less headaches usually. Moving around can be a major pain.
Payton said:
I think for a lot of publishers here who are probably going to make multiple sites they can probably go:

Reseller > Dedicated

The faster you settle on the type of plan you need long term, the less headaches usually. Moving around can be a major pain.

Who do you use, Payton?
I have an on-site dedicated server, and a couple shared hosting plans. As long as you're with a reliable host, I haven't had any issues with my shared hosting. Having your own box is nice to do whatever you want with though. Not have to go through wack'd control panels and being able to install whatever programs you want.

I'd go stright from a shared or reseller account to a co-lo server.
I think co-lo is really only worth it when you need to have specialized equipment for some reason or if you have a lot of machines... otherwise just lease a dedicated and save yourself the upfront cost of the hardware
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