whats a good payday loan affiliate program?

can someone tell me how to start a new thread? we are launching a payday loan lead gen site with top tier lenders and want recommendations on joining an affiliate network. In-house is planned after a year.
Last time I ran payday loans it became blatantly obvious that the top guys were probably double, triple, or even quadrouple selling - and/or had direct buyers paying excessive amounts.

Whatever it was... we couldn't even come close to competing on a high level using a LeadFlash ping tree. I spent a hundred billion hours chatting it up with Slicer (chipmunk) via AIM and ultimately gave up, which is very rare for me.

Chipmunk is very knowledgeable about payday, and I suspect that he knows what's really going on in the industry but is not at liberty to talk about it - especially to a scrub like me.

All I know is that when I purchased traffic at $10+ a click from the very top of Google, I ended up with a huge pile of $2 leads and almost no leads > $30. The game is rigged.
Last time I ran payday loans it became blatantly obvious that the top guys were probably double, triple, or even quadrouple selling - and/or had direct buyers paying excessive amounts.

Whatever it was... we couldn't even come close to competing on a high level using a LeadFlash ping tree. I spent a hundred billion hours chatting it up with Slicer (chipmunk) via AIM and ultimately gave up, which is very rare for me.

Chipmunk is very knowledgeable about payday, and I suspect that he knows what's really going on in the industry but is not at liberty to talk about it - especially to a scrub like me.

All I know is that when I purchased traffic at $10+ a click from the very top of Google, I ended up with a huge pile of $2 leads and almost no leads > $30. The game is rigged.

The game isn't rigged, you just don't have the right buyers in place.

Everyone advertising on Google sells direct. They also have a great backend monetization strategy in place.

Stop complaining and learn how to compete.
Agreed on LeadFlash.
Partner Weekly has a program for publishers, they've been doing this for ages haven't they?
has anyone here worked with Leadpile or Round Sky?
I'd test the following in this order:

You may need Cake or something similar to post and round-robin the leads..
Each will have their benefits ;)
when I was trying to do payday loans I was getting around $45 per lead. Was I actually selling to merchants who were too far down the chain? Can one get more for a good lead?
I'd test the following in this order:

You may need Cake or something similar to post and round-robin the leads..
Each will have their benefits ;)

would you set up a ping tree to sell the leads the the companies above?
I've been think about doing that but, i dont have much volume with my organic traff.