What would you do without electricity for a year?

Awesome, now we're thinking of off-grid power generation.

So our next issue will be water and sewage.

No electricity grid = no power to water infrastructure.

In the meantime, how do you preserve food? Or have access to clean water?

Then, what do you do with your waste? Garbage trucks won't be running, so where do you put all the poo, urine, and garbage?

It would get nasty real fast if you're just trying to bury it in your backyard.
With your gerbil army you may very well have power and internet but most of your customers will not, unless of course they already have a gerbil army of their own...

You write an ebook before the power gets knocked out, on how to raise a gerbil army to generate power. Print it, then sell it.

While you have power, print out an ebook on how to make money selling ebooks on how to raise a gerbil army to generate power. Print it, sell it too.

So many opportunities. We should just make this happen.
1. Get a shitload of stationary bikes and wire them up to create a generator
2. Pay a bunch of fatties (or gay webmasters, I don't care) to spin all day
3. Sell electricity to the highest bidder
4. Profit!