What was your first campaign?

flights to a specific destination, I had just discovered tradedoubler and I thought I had the idea of the century: paying to advertise the flight through adwords and earn commissions! WOW!

then I discovered it's called aff marketing and that there's a world behind it

I abandoned after few days, having spent just about 40 € and having made € 20 = loss

no idea about tracking, landing pages, ad copies at the time...just direct linking

Acai Berry, way back when nobody was doing it. I was always an SEO/Spam guy, but I got $200 of facebook coupons so I was like fuck it...I made an ad with a picture of a treadmill that said "Tired of Exercise?" and direct linked to the acai lander. Made $300 before my cash supply burned up. Then it was time to go to school and I forgot about it. Six months later acai is everywhere. Fuck...if I only knew haha.
Loans leadgen in 2006... When I saw my first big profit which was like 2500 in few hours I freaked out, I spent may be 600 in adwords. I stopped the campaign and never run it again and got back to my 9-5 boring job as an accountant rep for a pipe company...
Email Submit. 3rd day I was doing $100 profit on $100 spend. Was happy as dog shit until Google started fucking with it and Scrub a dub dub came along.
golf swing ebooks no joke.

Before that I was doing arbitrage of adwords - bidding 5 cents on the term "games" and sending them to a AD supported (Thank you YPN! haha) arcade site with like 30k arcade games.

That was the good ol' days when you could show the most expensive ads on YPN by changing your category... Good times.
golf swing ebooks no joke.

Before that I was doing arbitrage of adwords - bidding 5 cents on the term "games" and sending them to a AD supported (Thank you YPN! haha) arcade site with like 30k arcade games.

That was the good ol' days when you could show the most expensive ads on YPN by changing your category... Good times.

Damn - I did golf swing on CB too! Never made anything big with them though. Thanks for reminding :)
Email submit. I luckily picked the right one. the one that didn't scrub. Was making 100 a day profit just after a month. Ran with the offer and never looked back. an it for 8 months. no maintenance no work. Was doing 500+ profits a day until Google decided to slap everything i put up. Now im still working a day job an have no campaign is running. I should have gotten into acai when it was hot. I wouldn't have been at my day job right now.
pregnant without pounds ebook from click bank.
knew nothing about adwords
knew nothing about tracking

got a free $25 adwords credit account, found about 25 keywords, put all in 1 adgroup, broad match, set the bid at 30 cent, let it fly

Made 30 dollars in a day after running out of credit, dropped the campaign b/c it wasn't that profitable

fuck me, if i knew what I know now, I would be balling with that campaign.
golf swing ebooks no joke.

Before that I was doing arbitrage of adwords - bidding 5 cents on the term "games" and sending them to a AD supported (Thank you YPN! haha) arcade site with like 30k arcade games.

That was the good ol' days when you could show the most expensive ads on YPN by changing your category... Good times.

haha... i promoted the golf swing too plus Pub Records. I actually had some pub recs running on auto for a good while until the G slappity splapp splapp
Good old times when toolbars were the latest craze and smiley downloads were new and hot. Those were the days...

First campaign experience probably goes all the way back to the days of Flycast.
The first affiliate program I promoted was for iTunes, on my band's website. It sucked. Didn't make a dime. Years later I would discover that I missed out on the most profitable period of the ringtones craze at the same time. EPIC FAIL.
I first made monies online with adCenter to AdSense arbitrage (small profit). First true AM was email submits (small loss).
My first use of affiliate marketing was back in 1999 or 2000 putting some links on a few random websites I owned. Back in 2002 I had a website that I was monetizing with popups mostly (25k pageviews/day back when I could get $3+ CPM with a popup), and I added zip-submits as in-page iframed pop-ins. Those things easily went without any scrubbing (rotating between multiple offers) at $1-$1.50 for a good 2 years. Total expense to run the site? $60/month low-end server, and absolutely no advertising other than emailing to the membership list. I wish I could find that ROI in a PPC campaign.
2002 when Adwords PPC first came out...sending to a skinned WindowsCasino.com affiliate program site I made. Miserable failure, but I got bit by the bug and I've been doing it ever since.
Created my porn membership site in 1997 and was making $16k/month for copying porn pics from usenet and uploading them to a members area....then moved to casinos when I spent $100 and made $2200 with my first campaign I still get recurring income to this day...