What was your first campaign?


Aug 10, 2009
When you first started doing AM, what was the first offer you decided to push? And how profitable did it end up being?

Was a long time ago, but it was some offer on knives. Was my first ever Adword attempt also, I just put down 1 keyword, and just kept breaking even. I didn't know shit then, so I dropped it without tweaking. I was direct linking.
Ringtones on Yahoo. I was spending $1,000/day at its peak and making 10% ROI. Of course I wasn't smart enough to split test, and after about 10 days of spending $1,000/day the campaign started breaking even/losing money and I stopped it.
way back in 97 or 98, my first 'affiliate campaign' was for the GoTo.com search engine... made some bank, they were spewing all their venture capital money to whoever wanted to take it... to compete with the bigguns se's like aol, lycos, yahoo, and that silly one called google...

ahh... those were certainly simpler times.
my first offer was dating and after the 2nd month i was making 10k a month, it was a total fluke.
It was back when true didnt really scub and there were 1.00 epcs. Its was nice.
I started in adult. It was probably a Bang Bus membership.

For proper AM I decided to start small: Payday Loans. Spent a few 100 with no tracking and made no leads. I knew I was on to something then.
Dating back in 2005 and I am still running a lot of dating offers. Only problem is that my profits are really low now so I have to do larger volumes to make decent money per day.
Blockbuster DVD Movie Rental. The payout was high initially but it dropped to half only few days later after i promoted it.