What tracking software do you use?

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New member
Jun 25, 2006
I've found two that I've liked, well 3 if you count G analytics.

I like that the statcounter tracker is private. It does a good job of tracking just about everything, I just wish they gave more for free :p .

Once again, free, free is good. I used this a lot before I found statcounter. Even if you take the image link off your site, it's still easy for anybody to look at your code, grab your tracker id and look at your site stats, something I'd prefer to be private. Does a decent job of reporting, but the statcounter interface is a bit cleaner.

I've used G analytics and loved it, but I'm scared to use it on any of my sites that I'm trying to get ranked as I don't want to give G that much info about my site.

I've also seen sitecounter around a lot, but have never used it. Do any of you have experience with it?

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