What the hell??? Someone shoot guru guy

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It almost seems you can get banned for next to nothing, hell maybe there is a rule for banning people who question the rules, so I may be gone now myself?!

Could someone please clarify this for me?
You won't get banned for being a postwhore and there are several in this very thread who never contribute anything yet respond mulitple times in the same thread. In order to survive here, make sure you:

- act etough all the time to show how hardcore you are
- make fun of new people
- insult new people
- if any asks a questions, jump down their throat, then make fun and insult them
- make intelligent like posts like "god you're stupid". Or "Oy that's gotta hurt".
- make sure you hit on all the ladies here, (half are men posing as ladies, but hit on them anyway so you're e-cool).
- try to make as many posts as possible where you can look back and read it and say, "if I didn't make that post, would anyone notice?" THAT is true postwhoring.

Oh and kiss Jons ass as much as possible, he loves that.

Now fuck off you stupid newbie, you dont' know anything, go away and eat shit...

See it's easy.


Being really really bitter about everything around you for no apparent reason works really well on WF too. :D
I am sure I will catch on and I'll be sure to tell at least 1 person a day on here to fuck off. Sounds easy enough, but in between the insults and bullshit, I hope to learn something while i am here.

Well, off to read some tips and tricks. I will try to find someone newer than me to pick on while I am at it.
I am sure I will catch on and I'll be sure to tell at least 1 person a day on here to fuck off. Sounds easy enough, but in between the insults and bullshit, I hope to learn something while i am here.

Well, off to read some tips and tricks. I will try to find someone newer than me to pick on while I am at it.

Start with these posts:

Especially the second one above. Read every thread that is listed there, and you'll be a leg up on things. The first one just explains the mindset around here (sort of) ;)
I'm cool with the whole fuck you attitude, noobie jabs and dick references. I would hope that what is in the free area is no reflection of what you get with the paid area. I also understand that you have to reserve most tips and tricks for the paying members.

I like the forum and the joking around, but the itchy finger on the banning button concerns me a bit. I would think you would want to retain members thats all. I am not going to tip toe around worrying not to offend you pros, especially when I see how everyone talks to each other on here. Some of the jabs between friends and all is fine, but to a new member it's just strange.

Now flame me, call me a whiney bitch or whatever it is that gives wf it's charm and I'll just absorb whatever tips I can and hopefully make a few friends here while I am at it.
Maybe someone who is a paying member could pm me or yim me and let me know if it's worth the money to join the members only club.

One other thing, I am not bitching, just observing...
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