What the hell??? Someone shoot guru guy

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I know, he's been doing it all morning, hopefully he'll get the hammer soon.

But I have to wonder, what is the motivation for it? There's no sig to promote, so what is his plan? Is it just how people get their jollies???
Yeah, thats one smelly bastard.
i was wondering why there were an strangley large number of posts when i hit the "New Posts" button...
I'm watching him. Maybe a grumpy Mod will ban him, but I'm not very grumpy right now so he gets to stay.
He got banned, not sure who did it. He got to 39 posts. Congrats!
I'm new here and confused. I seen a guy get banned for saying "JV" and now someone got banned for replying to old posts? I think I may have replied to some older posts, but was really interested in the thread, so I replied.

It almost seems you can get banned for next to nothing, hell maybe there is a rule for banning people who question the rules, so I may be gone now myself?!

Could someone please clarify this for me?
Heh, an experiment gone wasted..

Now, looks like they're targetting WF now!
I'm new here and confused. I seen a guy get banned for saying "JV" and now someone got banned for replying to old posts? I think I may have replied to some older posts, but was really interested in the thread, so I replied.

It almost seems you can get banned for next to nothing, hell maybe there is a rule for banning people who question the rules, so I may be gone now myself?!

Could someone please clarify this for me?

Basically, if we don't like the smell of your fart, we will ban you. :fart:
I'm new here and confused. I seen a guy get banned for saying "JV" and now someone got banned for replying to old posts? I think I may have replied to some older posts, but was really interested in the thread, so I replied.

It almost seems you can get banned for next to nothing, hell maybe there is a rule for banning people who question the rules, so I may be gone now myself?!

Could someone please clarify this for me?

Poor Thing. (I'm picturing a quivering n00b hovering in the corner)

Don't worry. The mods and Jon know what they're doing (usually :p ) They ban when somethings up. The other guy didn't get banned for going into older posts. That's ok, if you really have something pertaining to the post to say. He got banned because he systematically went through every post he could find and added a comment to increase is post count. Not sure why he did it, barman's theory was that it had something to do with MLM maybe so that people would look at a higher post count as a higher authority? The JV guy well, I think that was just one of those Jon land mines you have to watch for and hope you don't hit, if you're new. He has a few pet peeves (read through his posts and you'll figure them out pretty quickly). So if you just read for a while and watch what is taking others out, you'll get into the groove in no time. (you're already at about 40 posts so you're doing fine, just keep your nose clean ;))
Poor Thing. (I'm picturing a quivering n00b hovering in the corner)

Don't worry. The mods and Jon know what they're doing (usually :p ) They ban when somethings up. The other guy didn't get banned for going into older posts. That's ok, if you really have something pertaining to the post to say. He got banned because he systematically went through every post he could find and added a comment to increase is post count. Not sure why he did it, barman's theory was that it had something to do with MLM maybe so that people would look at a higher post count as a higher authority? The JV guy well, I think that was just one of those Jon land mines you have to watch for and hope you don't hit, if you're new. He has a few pet peeves (read through his posts and you'll figure them out pretty quickly). So if you just read for a while and watch what is taking others out, you'll get into the groove in no time. (you're already at about 40 posts so you're doing fine, just keep your nose clean ;))

Quit being so damn nice you...
Welcome to wicked fire... heres your fucking balloon.
Don't touch old posts or you lose a finger
Ask questions to things that have been answered 1,200 times
Watch out for Jon, reacharound with no spit... :eek:
Thanks for clarifying this. Is the members area any better? I mean I am a noob here on the forum, but not to web development. Is there more info there and is there less banning for dumb shit?

hmmmm, now this dry reach around, is it a soft touch or is it like he's trying to start a fire? :)
Start a fire style..... Imagine a drunken gorilla thinking your the best thing he has ever seen.

and really this silliness is one of the major attrations at WF. You just have to get into the mood.

If you are scared of being banned that is the first part of really appreciating this place. I really dont know why I havent been banned yet. Just slowing sneak past 100 posts without talking about your ebook, any ebook, JV, DP in a positive light, or any other drivel. Umm then never talk about those things anyways.

If you go back and look at guru54s posts - he so needed to get banned. I looked at new posts and there was a page of his crap. All one line posts like "Good idea, I will try that" Every post was 2 minutes after the last post.....
Thanks for clarifying this. Is the members area any better? I mean I am a noob here on the forum, but not to web development. Is there more info there and is there less banning for dumb shit?

There is no dumb shit permitted in the members area :glowingeyes_sml:
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