What the fuck is up with firefox

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New member
Jun 24, 2006
Alright this issue has been pissing me off to the max for the past few weeks. I got firefox whatever the newest version is and it seems to sporadically freeze up, when I am in the most important things.

I got an alright computer, here are the stats
AMD Athlon 64 XD Dual 3800+
2.01 GHz
300 GB HDD / got 30 GB left

I don't use firefox themes and the firefox plugins I am using are
Firebug, StumbleUpon and VideoDownloader.

Yet it still seems to just fuck up at the most inopportune times. I wanna switch to Opera but I hate the theme and the cache issue is annoying.

For fucking fucks sake, I am about ready to...... do something bad.

Any ideas?

This is exactly why I always wait a few weeks to DL the latest version of FF. Something similar happened to me back on the 1.5.7 or whatever update before 2.0 came out. I had to go back and re-install the previous release in order to clear the hiccup. I also resisted 2.0 like the plague for the first two months because of the reported bugs all over the place. FWIW, my current version of FF 2 works great *knocks on wood*.

You may want to just go back to your previous release until the next one comes out. A quick Google search came up with a "release archive" here, but I've seen a better one somewhere else. Google around.
Alright will do, just gotta make sure I don't fuck up the old bookmarks folder, god only knows how many hours I put into all those links
Go to Bookmarks>Organize Bookmarks>Export...> place file wherever you want it for safekeeping.

If you do mess up your bookmarks making the switch simply Import it using the Import instead of Export.
Years ago I got told that you should leave at least 10% of your HD free for processing space, I'm not sure if this is still true or not - but if it is, then yours is full and could have something to do with things.
If you're a heavy FF user then it's a good idea to reinstall it every once in a while.
This basically holds true for any software. Programmers are not perfect, and sometimes files get corrupted.
Alright will do, just gotta make sure I don't fuck up the old bookmarks folder, god only knows how many hours I put into all those links

Once you go del.icio.us, you'll never go back. You can import all your
FF bookmarks. Then you'll never have to worry about losing or transferring
them ever again.
Remove stumbleupon and other toolbars when not using them. View -> Toolbars.

I have 20 plugins and not one issue and BTW, I am in bad need of a new comp with these no-issues.. 1.4Ghz Athlon, 512MB Ram, etc. But it is a custom built machine with quality hardware (I build my own).

Upgrading to quad core in September when prices drop. :)
My bookmarks don't even fucking work for Firefox. Such a pain in the ass, I have a notepad file on my desktop that handles the bookmarks. Should I un-install Firefox and reload with version 2.0 (I have I really don't want to lose all of my saved passwords and what not...
Firefox has a memory problem. It leaves memory leaks. That's been a longstanding problem.

I dunno what's up with the newer versions but I've been getting the same problems you;re having. I still like it over IE though and Opera is a fuck to use.

JamesH, I think you should do that. I remember having that same bookmark problem a couple months ago.
My bookmarks don't even fucking work for Firefox. Such a pain in the ass, I have a notepad file on my desktop that handles the bookmarks. Should I un-install Firefox and reload with version 2.0 (I have I really don't want to lose all of my saved passwords and what not...

you can backup all your passwords and bookmarks and even cookies & sessions
Google Browser Sync
Hmm, well half of the bookmark function works. I have to click and drag from the address bar to the bookmark menu. However if I go to Bookmarks>Bookmark this page it doesn't work. Oh well, at least part of it works.

Oh yea, and thanks for the Google tool. Worked flawlessly.
Only occassionally firefox crash on me. Then I click it again and it reloads and gives me an option to restore the session. And I do in fact use 3 or 4 add ons including stumble upon.

I like Firefox. I believe many of the problems are other pieces of software trying to grab the same address space. This used to happen a lot in Window98 with TSR's.

XP should have fixed a lot of this with the way they allocating addressing, but I believe there are still plenty of problems with XP and the zillions of XP updates. I cringe at the thought of one day being forced into Vista.

XP will often report to me that all my RAM is being used, when in fact it is nowhere close to being used up - this happens sometimes when only a few small programs are running.

I like to make it a habit to blame Microsoft first :)
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